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Everything posted by foreverprosper

  1. Cool to know you're making a little progress. I wouldn't mix up or break up the bags any more though. Whenever you do that you set the mycelium back and while it recovers, contams have a chance to take hold. Usually you only shake up grain jars once when they are about 50% to 70% colonized. Since these are rye bags, you won't be able to have good fruits straight off the rye cakes. You'll have to use the cakes as "spawn" and make a casing. I can help you through that whenever its time but also plenty of info at www.mycotopia.net
  2. Agreed. This part of the process is called "incubation". You'll want the temps to stay about 75 to 82 F. If it gets a lot warmer than that, you'll have troubles keeping contamination at bay. If its much cooler, you'll inhibit the growth of the mycelium.
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