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  1. I have to pay $260.00 for 2 kits until I hit my yearly $1300 deductable...then they go down to $30 and I can get 2 kits every 7 days. My neuro's handwriting is so illegible the pharmacy gave me my last script and I noticed I have 35 refills..lol...if my neuro found out she sure would have something to say about it but I ain't telling her!
  2. Yes, currently I'm doing the full regimen with no calcium (other than what I may get in the multi) which Batch told me was fine. Also, I'm thinking RC seeds may be the way to go because if I have to fruit some M I'd be starting from scratch which means it could be a couple months before I had medicine.
  3. also try, clusterheadaches.com, both sites have been blessings to me.
  4. First some background. Episodic CH for just over 20 years. about 7 or so years ago I started Verapamil and it was a game changer, currently I'm at 480mg/day. Since last Christmas I've been in a brutal cycle that started during a major sinus infection. This cycle has been horrible, worst ever, especially since this time, o2 (25lpm or higher w/ opti mask) has been WAY less effective than normal. I've just come off my 2nd pred taper this cycle and they're starting to creep back. About 3 years ago during my "great Verap holiday" I started on a pretty bad cycle and started researching busting. Being kind of a geek I got interested in the process of manufacturing vit M and got very proficient at it, very. However, by the time I had actually fruited, my cycle had ended on it's own. I did however still try some, I mean why not plus as an adolescent I used to have great fun with them recreationally. I tried what at the time I thought (maybe still think) was the recommended dose 1 gram dried. I tripped very hard for several hours and hated it immensely, much different trying them as an adult imo. This cycle has made me reconsider busting. I've been trying the D3 regimen for over 2 months now, my D levels are right in the optimal range according to Batch. Still neither Verap nor D3 seem to be giving me any relief. My last experience w/ vit M left me a little apprehensive about trying it again. I am aware of RC seeds and where to get them (never tried them), I am also fully capable of fruiting again if need be. I know I would have to detox from trex for at least 5 days and I'm pretty sure I would have to stop taking Verap too, what about D3?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Lipa Yai Thai. Quart of rye spawn cased and fruited in a shotgun terrarium, picked itself, when I woke up it was laying on the perlite next to the case.
  6. lol...pulled this guy just this morning. http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5490/cimg2387c.jpg
  7. Many shrooms have been dried by myself and I get almost uniformly 10% back. I dry a 20 gram cap, I get a 2 gram cracker dry shroom.
  8. Yeah so, I've been on verap now for just shy of 5 years. 480 mg per day has been pretty effective, I've been as high as 720 mg during bad cycles. I'm an o2 junkie, 15-25lpm non-rebreather about to add a demand valve. LOVE IT works great, well most of the time.
  9. A little history, I have had a really successful run beating my clusters with Verapamil, but lately my breakthrough cycles are becoming more frequent and closer in duration and intensity to my normal cycles A few months ago I had a very bad breakthrough and it scared me, I started thinking I better start thinking of the next treatment if/when the Verapamil fails. I had known about busting and was interested. I really wanted to start w/ shrooms but know absolutely no one who has access and I don't feel like traipsing through some strangers field in the middle of the night. I came to this site, read a bunch, including the faq, found some other informative sites and now long story short, I have ample access. Here's my thing, I actually have experience tripping, quite a lot actually, all done recreationally in my teens, I'm mid thirties now and I absolutely grew out of tripping at about 18. I haven't had any trex in weeks, I take Verapamil still but I've read that may not be an issue. So, about a week or so ago I was in a kind of breakthrough cycle and I had some time to kill so I thought why not and more or less recreationally dosed about 10 grams wet (just raw shrooms no tea or anything), which I know from my recent experiences is about a gram dry. I had a much stronger trip then I expected with waves of nausea and mud gut (never used to have a problem with this and I've always eaten shrooms raw) , I enjoyed it as much as the day I decided to never trip again at age 18. Then the next day I had a screaming bitch of a cluster. I realize I have by no means have I given it a fair scientific try yet but it worries me. I've read you guys typically dose 1.5-2 grams dry and have "minor" effects, have I become that much of a lightweight? Was the cluster the next day normal? I'm going to keep reading and researching but any help would be appreciated.
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