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godsjoy777 last won the day on September 17 2018

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  1. I have a few pics on my phone but since I’m on my iPad right now I don’t know how to share. This was my first actual Clusterbuster conference. I had gone to a cluster headache conference 12 years ago in Dallas. It was eye opening to my husband and I just loved meeting and making some true new friends. My husband started collecting contact info. On several cluster heads that live kind of close to us . We’ll be trying to have some get togethers in the next few months. I really was hoping to meet Batch there.......but sadly you weren’t there Batch. I know how to use O2 because of you and of course I am doing vit d regemin. My husband and I are in Estes Park, Colorado planning on doing a little hiking but mostly resting for a week. The conference was great but exhausting......in a good way. Eileen Brewer probably has a bunch of pics.. love you cluster peeps!
  2. No worries. I always wait too long before I post a question. I ate a couple of graham crackers and some popcorn...maybe to the healthiest. I didn’t get sick this time as I only drank the liquid after straining the seeds. I felt good for a few hours.. didn’t have my evening clusters BUT I had my usual 4 at night. A friend who who works at the VA counseling vets with PTSD as. Well as pain management mentioned a therapy that helps them in all different problems including pain.. it’s called EMDR.. or tapping. Anyway he said it can help in different ways like the anxiety that comes between hits or cycles. I also tried it some during last nights clusters and it seemed to help distract from the most intense part of the hits... Have you heard of tapping? It is interesting.
  3. I haven’t eaten since lunch and I plan to do my RC seeds in about a half hour. Should I have a little something to eat first or just drink the seed slurry?
  4. Never mind. Found the info online. Hope to see a lot of my old friends like Nani and Racer that I met in Dallas many years ago.
  5. My husband and I are trying to plan a vacation in Estes Park after this conference. Can you give me more information on the time frame? I see Thursday night is meet and greet and I assume the conference will be all day Friday and all day Saturday. How late does it go Saturday night? Also Is there some part of the conference continuing on Sunday? I definitely plan to make it but want to know how to make our plans afterwards. Maybe I’m just an old idiot but I’m not sure how to sign up for this conference either. Thanks so much for your help, godsjoy
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