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  1. Hello Dave I recently seen your interview on the Nat Geo and I can totally feel your pain.. I also take mushrooms to avoid ClusterF**K Aches.... (excuse my French...) Well there is an Important reason why I wanted to contact you in regards to your experience with mushrooms.. I noticed that you looked uncomfortable and at some times confused.. I went through the same thing when I started and I hated it... BUT....... I then found out about a style of Music that I listened to here and there and once in a while and when I started to listen to it during the Hours of my "Trip" (Med Time) I actually felt much better, I had something Pure and sane to focus on and the trip went by fast and I actually didn't mind it any more.. I still don't think it's the funnest thing to do, but atleast it has helped me to pass the time more wisely and in a more comfortable way..... I actually started to Produce this music since I am a Music Major anyways.. I would like to offer my help in getting you some of this music for you to try.. I really think it would make it more enjoyable... The Music is for the most part instrumental and has a lot of Organic elements to it... IMHO I would NEVER Listen to anything with lyrics in it, while under the influence of any Hallucinogenic.. For simple fact that it's too overwhelming and it would Mostlikely ruin your time with so much negativity that is emphasized into what we have offered to us in Mass Mainstream... anyways if you would like to know more about this, OR ANYONE ELSE IN THIS MATTER PLEASE FEEL FREE TO PRIVATE MESSAGE ME... Or post here on this thread and I can E-Mail you guy's some of this music.. It's really a LIFESAVER for me and for many other's that I have introduced this music to for the same Reason... God Bless You all and God Bless the World
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