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Kari Bjorn

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  1. Hi, my name is Kari Bjorn Thorleifsson and I'm an Icelandic Photographer and a student at Parsons School of Design in New York City. This winter I started working on a photo project to raise awareness for Cluster Headaches, I've had CH for the past 12 years now so this project is very dear to me. I'm currently looking for clusterheads in New York who are willing to meet with me and discuss their side of CH. In the fall I plan on going to the Convention in Chicago and hopefully I'll meet many more there. I've already met two great gentlemen here in NYC and their stories are much different and what I'm aiming for with my photographs is to depict the most vulnerable time in every CH sufferers life: "The peak of an attack" - I feel this is the only way of properly explaining the true pain of CH through images and will hopefully shock the viewer into gathering more info on our condition. I know and understand that when going through the roughest hour of a cluster attack, having your picture taken is probably something very few would like to do, but I feel that's the only way of making a real impact amongst those who have no idea what it's like. I understand that it takes great courage to do such a thing. I will be in Columbus, OH 26-27th of May visiting family and friends, If you live close by and would like to take part please contact me. I will also be in Cleveland, OH in the middle of June. Otherwise, due to lack of funding (totally on my own) I will have to stick to NYC clusterheads for the moment. Please contact me at karibjtho@gmail.com This is my website: www.karibjorn.crevado.com A self-portrait I took some 2-3 years ago when starting to research connecting CH and photography Thank you and stay pain free, Kari Bjorn Thorleifsson
  2. I think that if you're playing high action games that raise your blood pressure than sure... playing games can be a huge trigger.
  3. I've never had any side effects from verapamil and I've increased the dose from 250mg's to 500 in the past years. Sumatriptan gives me a lot of drowsyness however and a weird feeling of slowness, sort of like I'm hung over every single day without the hungover-ness.
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