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Posts posted by kika
I am seeing my headache MD tomorrow to get my annual script for O2 and am anxious about turning down the Rxs for the usual preventatives now that I bust instead. I imagine he will think it odd that I don't want the usual verap and zomig and feel like I owe him an explanation since I have been seeing him for the past 8 years or so.
So my questions are:
A) Do most of you tell your doc that you bust? I am especially worried as I am an RN and could lose my licence for using this method
Can someone post a link to research that supports it's use?
I alluded to doing this at last year's appt, and he seemed quite non plusssed
It took me many years to work up the courage to try busting with RC seeds after trying almost all of the traditional therapies ( which had little, if any success aside from pred which had intolerable SE to me)
Since you don't seem to object to plant use, are you considering busting? I'm not sure of you have to detox from pred first ( I suspect so), but you could keep it in mind if/when the next cycle hints that's it's starting.
I don't know how scientific this is, but I would request/insist on an Rx for O2 as use it therapeutically and diagnostically. I don't think O2 works for any other headaches besides CH, so if it works A) you get relief and
you confirm your suspicion that it's CH.
It beats going through a whole whack of meds that often don't work and can have unpleasant side effects.
Good luck & take care
OK I am going to apologize in advance for what may be the next of a whole lotta questions as I embark on this for the first time.
Where do people order their spores from here? I have been buying RC seeds from Iamsham without any problems (i.e bad trips, the Mounties at my door), but for some reason I am nervous about ordering spores online.
I think that part of my concern is that at least with the seeds I could say that they were for my garden. Also, it isn't illegal to possess the seeds, but I suspect that it is illegal to possess the spores. Am I wrong about this?
Also, does it matter which species of psilocybe?
Thanks as always for your valuable feedback
I was on here a few weeks ago and remember a link to step by step instructions on farming. With hubby's help I am going to try switching from RC seeds to mushrooms this year, but my God it is overwhemling to start!
Anyone know where the written instructions are ( vs the how to video)?
Thanks very much
I used 50 seeds last night and soaked them in cooled peppermint tea as CH Father suggested in another thread. MUCH more intense effects ( tripping a little, but was asleep so more like really strange dreams).
The taste was much less harsh than when I have soaked them in wine ( red and white).
Something to consider if for whatever reason you don't like the water method. Just have to use fewer seeds from what I have read.
Hi again
I am making another attempt at keeping these GD CHs at bay tonight and going for 50 seeds. I am not sure if they have just lost potency, or if I got a batch of duds, but the past few times I have busted, I just end up with wicked generalized headaches for days afterwards and then they come right back.
I feel my cycle amping up to it's 2x/day course and am wondering if anyone thinks I should A) order new seeds
switch to a different supplier or C) switch to a different hallucingen. Thank GOD for O2 in the meantime tho.....
As always, thanks for your insights
Kika, sorry you're back.
Yes, "post-dose hits" are very common. They usually are stronger than what you've been experiencing, and/or at different times of day than your usual HA. I mention this because you might not be having post-dose hits (or you might); you just might not be using enough seeds to get a busting-level dose of LSA.
Prednisone is likely to block busting, according to TommyD's file, where he says >>There are many reports that prednisone will block the clusterbuster treatment.<<Â http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130731
Hoping the ONB will work for you. No idea how that might interact with busting.
As we have discussed, you've been using amounts of RC that many of us would consider quite small. Not telling you to take more . . . just sayin' that 15 RC seeds isn't many. Were these fresh, or leftovers from 3 months ago? Freshness matters.  But I'm gonna say this again . . . If a person uses enough seeds to be sure they're getting a reasonable amount of LSA from them, seeds are generally considered to be just as likely to work as shrooms are.
Thanks for the feedback. Gonna bust again tonight and this time use 30 seeds. Fingers crossed................
I am far from experienced, only done it twice, but both times I took them right before going to bed to avoid hallucinations. I have used a max of 15 seeds, but will try 20 next week. I have very strange dreams ( ? sleeping hallucinations) when I use them and feel like I could sleep for days afterwards.
Well I'm back :'(
My first attempt at busting 3 months ago went really well and all was good until 3 days ago. Got a kip 2 and decided to bust using 15 seeds. Next day was good, but this am was a kip 4-5. I haven't been able to find the thread that discusses the rebound phenomenon in the days following a bust, but am I correct that it's normal to have pain result from busting sometimes? I was super tempted to use zomig, but held off. I would like to repeat this dose in 5 days.
I did however go straight to my MD and get an Rx for O2 and while there he convinced me to try an occipital nerve block ( very weird experience). Anyone know if this can interfere with busting?
Also, I caved and asked for an Rx for prednisone which I have refused for many years due to SE. He also gave me an Rx for topamax.
I hate that it has to be an either/ or with traditonal meds and busting Â
Well, making a second attempt tonight. This time I used 15 seeds and soaked them in wine ( horrible!!!).
Here's hoping second time's a charm......................
So I busted last night for the first time and I guess it's now a wait and see kinda thing.
I used 11 RC seeds, had no trouble drinking them down and just got sleepy. Had some wierd dreams which kept waking me up all night, so I am not sure of my draggi-ness today is a result of the seeds themselves, or the interrupted sleep.
Anyways, thank you all so much for helping me figure out how to do this. Cross your fingers for me that it will prevent the annual cycle from starting.
Thank you so much!
OK so seeds arrived yesterday, gonna give this a go tomorrow and just want to clarify a few things first. I had made myself a quick reference guide with all sorts of how to info, but seems it got deleted from the computer somehow.
I read on the FAQ that I should start with 4-8 seeds, but judging from some of the replies here I am wondering if I should take about 10 instead.
I know I read somewhere here about HOW to crush the seeds, but can't find the thread now. Take a hammer to them in a baggie? Mortar and pestle?
Do you soak them in wine or water x 2 hours?
I thought someone said they drank them in tea, but seems like I just drink the water they are soaked in. Yes? How much water/wine do I use?
Thanks again for your help
Ricardo, I am 100% positive that he would NOT support my trying this. Fortunately I was able to get some clonazepam from a family member for the eye surgery I am having next week, so I plan to save some for my first busting experience.
I am awaiting my seeds at this point and am surprised that I am actually not terrified of doing this. It's taken many years of careful consideration, so I think I am ready.
Thanks for your concern.
Just saw your reply now. Sorry :-[
O2 and triptans have been my lifeline for a few years now. I have a tank in my bedroom, one in the car and one at work when I am in a cycle. Nothing like travelling light.......
I am going to order the RC seeds. Think 50 is a decent amount to start with?
We are all individuals for some this is the best, not for others.
Have you tried 02 as an abortive.If the topomax and the zomig works, with no side effects....why bust? Having ADD could be a possible issue with hallucinogens. Dont have enough information to say much really, however RC seeds do not have the hallucinogenic properties of shrooms or acid.
Which method did you choose and why?I have chosen alternative treatments due to the failure of traditional methods....
why else would a 51 year old religous reformer eat hallucinogens...lol ;D
Pick your poison carefully, maybe run all this by the doc???
all the best
the bb
Thanks everyone for your replies so far.
Mystina, I am sorry that you have yet to get 100% relief. I can't fathom going through this on a chronic basis. My annual bouts take everything I've got to get through, but at least I know they will end eventually.
thebb, I have used O2 with much success in the past, but would much prefer to bypass the whole cycle if at all possible. Getting an attack down from an 8-9/10 to zero with O2 is wonderful, but takes so very much out of me. Doing so every day, often twice a day for 2 months is something I would rather do without. Same goes for zomig. I was too stunned to functional safely at work while on topamax, so that's out.
What is it about having ADD that could make busting a problem for me? I am not on any meds for it currently.
I would love to be able to talk to my MD about it, but have a hard enough time getting him to OK O2.Can't see him backing me on this one.
CHFather, good point about saving the big guns for possible use later. I am off to look into the licorice root now.
Thanks again
;D @ futhermucker! That's a new one on me.
Good points about having a back up plan with the mushrooms. On the rare/odd occassions that I took them years ago, IÂ remember thinking everything ( including a travel brochure) was hilarious. I am okay with the giggles & nausea, but am worried about feeling paranoid. I have been experiencing panic attacks again recently ( had them years ago) and am anxious about having one during the busting process.
The irony of this whole thing is that I work in toxicology and offer medical advice to those caring for people tripping on Salvia, Morning Glory, shrooms and just about every mind altering substance you can think of
Thanks for your 2 cents worth
I am hoping someone can give me the Cole's notes version of the info that I need to embark on my first foray into busting. Having ADD is making sorting through all this wonderful info challenging and I am running out of time before my next cycle starts.
I have been a long time member of ch.com and have finally made the decision to give this method a try after suffering with episodic CHs x 11 years now.Now that I have made up my mind to go this route, I am having trouble deciding whether to use mushrooms or LSA. My preference would be mushrooms ( as I have some, albeit limited, experience as a teen and young adult with taking these recreationally), but the process inlvolved in growing them for use seems more complicated than using the RC seeds. I suspect my cycle will start in another month or so ( at the latest) and don't think I have time to use this method.
I am not on any meds right now, so would think that sooner would be better than later, yes? Once the shadows start I make a bee line for the MD for some verapamil and zomig.
For those of you with experience my questions are:
1) Which method did you choose and why?
2) Am I correct in understaning that RC seeds are the most expedient way to bust?
3) Is the actual experience with both of these methods approximately the same? I have no interest in seeing or hearing things that aren't there so LSD is not an option for me.
Thanks in advance for any insight
Thanks for your replies. I know on ch.com there is a place to introduce yourself, but am not sure if this is the right place to so do here. I am Kika there too, so some here may recognize me.
Despite having episodic CH x 11 years now, I know very little about busting. I have done almost everything else to try and prevent/abort them over the years, but ( other than prednisone) nothing has truly prevented them.
My cycles come annually, but for the past few years they have begun at varying seasons. Used to be only the fall, but then changed to the spring and then the summer. Winter is the only safe seaon for some reason. They last for about 4-8 weeks and last year was the first time ever that they woke me up. They always came at 10 am and sometimes 10 pm.
I normally use verapamil to ( theoretically)prevent and triptans with O2 to abort. Have used DHE shots years ago which worked well but is a pain to use and prednisone was great, but I won't ever take it again because of the side effects.
I am nervous, as I am sure many people are, about using something hallucinogenic, but have been thinking about using this method for about 3 years now and feel ready to give it a shot. Also, my profession makes it dangerous for me to use, but at this point, my health trumps that.
I have a science/health background, but have to say that the whole process involved in procuring the end product makes trying to call up an old friend from high school kinda appealing.
Hope to learn as much as I can from you all here and crossing my fingers that I have finally found the thing that will put a stop to this annual nightmare.
Hi all
Please excuse my ignorance, but I have read the entire " newbie" thread and don't see any reference to RC seeds, just spores. Are these the same things?
Also, I am in Canada. Anyone know if that's likely to pose a problem for me?
I am a little overwhelmed by all the gardening required and will try not to be a PITA with questions about the whole process.
Studies to support busting for MD
in General Board
Thanks very much :-*