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Everything posted by MEA

  1. MEA

    O2 toxicity

    I have been getting headaches on the hour it seems sometimes before. Never had this frequency before. going thru the oxygen like crazy. a little scared. actually a lot scared. started the D3 protocol today and also the licorice root and skull cap routine. not waiting around to see if a sensation is going to get bad. hitting it right away cuz they seem to get bad fast. really appreciate feedback, encouragement and prayers!
  2. MEA

    O2 toxicity

    Hey Bejeeber, thanks for getting back to me about the 02 rebound. Isn't is caused by using too much 02? What if it takes me 20 to 30 minutes to abort? Would coffee be sufficient before the 02? Maybe supplementing taurine?
  3. MEA

    O2 toxicity

    New to this forum but not to clusters. could someone explain to me how to NOT get a rebound headache using oxygen. please, any wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Had about 6 headaches last night with 02 aborting in between but think rebound might have been involved. Also what is the D3 protocol. about 3 weeks into this go around. Tried mushrooms 3 times now with hiccups but no shutting the door affect.
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