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Everything posted by milly

  1. thank you blueballs and Bejeeber. She has seen brain specialists, teeth specialists, eye specialists, had to wear mouth guards, have all her teeth removed, radiation therapy (this started because she had a tumour on her pituitary gland, she had it partially removed through brain surgery, they dont know what happened nor can they find why it is happening, all doctors and specialists have given up) this was in 2000. From there on in she has had headaches ranging in severity but it mostly keeps her debilitated in pain. She is constantly in pain on the left side of her face and has only found marijuana as a way to ease it but if they are bad which is most of the time marijuana does nothing for her but ease the stress. So to answer the question, has she been diagnosed.. yes.. Chronic Migraines is what they have called it... they believe her tumour was pushing on a nerve but in the end they could not confirm it or deny it.. they have told my mother there is nothing they can do.. she is in a rare percentage of people who get this, 2 people in the whole of new zealand as far as we know... this was 9 years of research, 9 yeaars of specialists, tears and so far, nothing at all has worked, we swapped to eastern medicine on the advice of a specialist once being told there is nothing else they can offer, rakei, massage, hot oils, meditation, accupunture etc, it certainly helps her to focus but she struggles very much with the pain and the ability to focus... in nz, the medical field is EXTREMELY behind and there is a massive lack in new up to date medications.. I am slowly reading all the information on the page and i am extremely thankful... i know i sound very desperate but to be honest, we are desperate.... thank you very much for the links, so so so helpful to have some sort of information that we can relate to!
  2. I live in New Zealand and just finished watching a documentary in which a man uses mushrooms to ease his cluster headaches. My mother has suffered from chronic headaches which donot end and have been happening for 10 years. She has had many surgeries, many medications and the doctors have said there is nothing else to do apart apart from morpheine for the rest of her life. She is extremely suicidal and i am prepared to help her in any way and we have no other options. She has no means of existence and its a very sad, lonely, painful life for her. Please help us get her life back or at least ease her headaches so she can have some kind of normalcy. Please Help, i need any articles, anything on this, i am prepared to do anything at this point. And finally i am so thankful to have found this website and this forum... thank you for giving us some hope
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