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Everything posted by Myheadhurts

  1. My usual cycle is three days, now working on day four. Very tired, no sleep last night. Very tired.
  2. Another has come and gone, I dislike the feeling the morning after. I am left drained and exhausted, but free of it's grip on my being, my soul...If ever I could have an out of body experience, that would be the time to have one. I had read several times here on ClusterBusters others write not wishing this pain on any one. I actually know a couple of people I might (would!) enjoy seeing go through this. HaHa. More research on my part needs to be done before I try some of the methods used here to combat the headaches. I am coming here with a very open mind. Nothing will be discounted, all will be explored at some level. The goal is to find relief. Thanks to all.
  3. I have found a place where I am not alone. I am encouraged and moved by many of the posts. I suffer from migraines and chronic headaches. The migraines have been with me for the last twenty years, the chronic headaches for five years. Currently I am in a cycle and waiting for the arrival. At three oÂ’clock this afternoon I will be fully involved. The duration is six hours. The cycle is three days with a rest period of seven to ten days, if there are no migraines. I have had no migraines for the last three months. ThatÂ’s a good thing! I gave up on drug therapy two years ago. Being a zombie was just too much for me. I have learned to cope with and manage the pain. However I am still searching for the answer. Your suggestions and advice are very welcomed.
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