Hello everyone! I just discovered this fantastic new world and all the great information in it. I have been a CH sufferer for 16 years, they cycle every 3-4 years and lasted about a week....... that was until 2 weeks ago when they returned with a vengeance! It started out as the other cycles did, one headache a day that I could almost set my watch to, it lasted about 45 mins to an hour and then went on its way. That only lasted for three days and then everything changed drastically, now I'm getting 2-3 attacks a day that are totally unpredictable and they are lasting 45 mins to an hour and a half, sometimes followed by shadow headaches that just wont go away. I went to my doctor and he prescribed Sumatriptan 50mg and indomethacin 50 mg at attack time (max 2 pills in 24hr period for both) and 1 60mg propranolol in the morning, (I have perfect blood pressure but he wants to lower it) at night I am to take 1 amitriptyline before bed. I started these meds 4 days ago, they have never lasted this long before or have been so unpredictable. I am 43, not overweight and healthy, never smoked but consider myself a heavy drinker, 26 oz bottle of rum a week. I have not had any alcohol since this started though.. I guess im just looking for some advice on why this went so wrong this cycle and any idea how long this will last. My doctor told me to drop caffeine from my diet but I seen here that energy drinks are sometimes recommended? And sorry for my ignorance but what exactly is busting? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can help me.