A quick question if I may. I've dosed now four times with 1 gram the first time and 1 1/2 grams the last three times. The first two times worked well, and I got 3 months PF (I'm chronic) after the 2nd dose. The first dose everything was very mild, a little brighter colors/sound. The second dose a week later got "interesting".
My question has to do with the 3rd and 4th dosings. Each time I looked like someone with a severe case of Cerebral Palsy. (I'm not denigrating those with CP!) My muscles were quite spastic, and while I COULD walk my legs kept buckling. The biggest issue was with my head, neck, and arms and hands. The muscles kept knotting up, and i could not keep them still or controlled. I didn't do anything violent with them, but continually flailed about and flexed the muscles to the point of pain. I dosed this morning at 9:30 and the spasms continued until after 1:30 with lighter spasms happening all afternoon. In reading through this site fairly thoroughly, although infrequently, and doing a good bit of research on the use of shrooms over the last 5+ years I don't remember seeing anything about this. I would certainly appreciate input.