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Everything posted by rascleo

  1. First, I'd like to thank those members who replied to my posts, it meant a lot to me. I've made some pivotal decisions re: my Chronic Cluster headache situation. I've decided to stop seeing the doctors on my medical team, as there is nothing they can do to help relieve me from my 7 daily headaches. I feel their time would be better spent treating patients they can actually help. In addition, I will be stopping any and all medications I take for Chronic Cluster headache as they do not work and have zero affect to abort the headaches. I feel like I'm just throwing good money out the window, I can't afford to do that, as My school District has put me on a 6 month Unpaid Medical Leave, and that includes loosing my Health Insurance the end of this month. Finally, I won't be posting on the boards on this site any longer. All I do is complain, and complain some more. All of you here know what Cluster headaches are, either episodic or chronic, so why listen to me go on and on about how horrible they are, you already know! Thank you all for your kind, caring, and supportive words. I wish all of you pain free days, weeks, months and even years! Sincerely, Richard
  2. Thank you so much, Jeff for your reply. I do read and research, as I have learned I need to be my own advocate. I fully intend on continuing my search for some relief, as life as I am living it, isn't worth living. Richard
  3. My Cluster Headache situation has been going on for nearly 3 years. I have Chronic C/H and have not yet had a break in the cycle. My situation is so serious I've had to go out on unpaid medical leave from my school district and univ. I get 7 - 8 H/A/day. I have been on a plethora of medications, done the DHE treatment, an Occipital Block and a Gasserian Ganglion block all to no avail. I'm in the middle of a Botox trial, which thus far has had no positive affect. I use oxygen therapy at home, (15L/minute for 20 minutes), which will come close to aborting a H/A in about 30 minutes. My quality of life is for shit as I can no longer participate in life's normal day to day responsibilities or pleasures. I mostly stay home to be able to access meds and oxygen. I'm not at the give up stage yet, I have phenomenal doctors working very hard to get me some relief. I need sleep and hope for a time of remission, this type of excruciating, debilitating pain is taking its toll on my mental as well as physical status. Any suggestions? I am open to all. Thank you for any advice you may be able to give! Richard in San Diego.
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