Hi FunGuy,
I'm into the 11th week of my cycle. My cycles usually only last for a week then I get a remission of 3 years. The doctor had me taking Sibelium which is also a calcium blocker like Verapamil. I was taking 10 mg daily. I think that worked because the frequency and intensity of the hits greatly diminished. I was taking that for about a month until all I had were the morning hits. My neurologist gave me topamax for the morning hits. I was taking 25g of topamax daily along with 10g of Sibelium. When the morning hits went away, I stopped taking the Sibelium and I just took 50 mg of Topamax. All I have now are shadows and twinges. These shadows sometimes last all-day, sometimes I have them for most of the day. Thinking that maybe Topamax had something to do with it and since I was planning to bust in the next few days, I started detoxing. I haven't noticed any changes in my headache patterns since I started detoxing but the shadows still remain.
I also tried the beer test a couple of days ago and I didn't get any headaches at all. Beer has always been a trigger for me in the past. Is it possible that I'm already out of cycle? Would you suggest busting to get rid of the shadows? Thanks