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Everything posted by CrystalR

  1. I just want to stop hurting. I thought for the past few years they were something to do with my sinuses since the pain is always at one eye or the other. The dr just kept giving me antibiotics and T3's which would do nothing. I never heard of cluster headaches till Wed. I have a couple questins ... How do I get the oxygen? What is rc seeds and where can I find them? How do I know if the neurologist is a headache specialist? Has anyone ever been cured?
  2. Hi. I'm new to the forums and was just told on Wed Im having cluster headaches. I started a headache diary on Wed after going to the dr. Im having about 5 a day. Some of these get so bad that if i thought ripping my eye and temple out would do any good they would be gone. Ive been having these headaches for almost 2 yrs now. Before that I hadnt had any in maybe 5 yrs. After the intense pain is gone I'm left feeling weak and this annoying dull ache in my head and neck. I am on vicodin (not helping), Maxalt (nothing), and a medrol pack (dont see any change). im a mother of 3 and a wife. I thank god im a stay at home mom otherwise i think i would have lost my job by now. I dont know how to handle this anymore. I dont want to talk to anyone, not even my husband. We did a ct scan on Wed both w/ and w/o contrast. Everything was normal. Im going to be seen by a neurologist this week. What can i do in the meantime. even when the intense pain isnt there i feel like shit. My thoughts are jumbled. i feel like im a mess. I guess at least I now know what my headaches are and after reading a few posts on here i know im not the only one
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