Hi. I'm new to the forums and was just told on Wed Im having cluster headaches. I started a headache diary on Wed after going to the dr. Im having about 5 a day. Some of these get so bad that if i thought ripping my eye and temple out would do any good they would be gone. Ive been having these headaches for almost 2 yrs now. Before that I hadnt had any in maybe 5 yrs. After the intense pain is gone I'm left feeling weak and this annoying dull ache in my head and neck. I am on vicodin (not helping), Maxalt (nothing), and a medrol pack (dont see any change). im a mother of 3 and a wife. I thank god im a stay at home mom otherwise i think i would have lost my job by now. I dont know how to handle this anymore. I dont want to talk to anyone, not even my husband. We did a ct scan on Wed both w/ and w/o contrast. Everything was normal. Im going to be seen by a neurologist this week. What can i do in the meantime. even when the intense pain isnt there i feel like shit. My thoughts are jumbled. i feel like im a mess. I guess at least I now know what my headaches are and after reading a few posts on here i know im not the only one