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Everything posted by trytosurvive

  1. Thanks CH, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hold off since I'm PF currently. Guess I just in my mind want to throw everything at it so it won't come back. I know it will sooner or later, just hope later this time around. Really need this break! Who doesn't?
  2. Yes, took 80 seeds crushed up good. Soaked in 8oz water with 1/2 oz of lemon juice for 2 hours. Then drank all unstrained. 10-4 Bjeep, started D3 today. Thanks for the tip. P.s. I have sixty acres of farmland, no cows, guess what will cover those 60 next year! You all have an invite,just bring your picking gloves and a bag!!
  3. I totally agree. I would not have found it without all of you. I'ts my sons BD this weekend. Can't think of a better present for him to have a whole father again! Funny my wife keeps calling me, anything? headache yet? I will keep you posted on how it's going. One question, should I repeat in 5 days to put another spike in it's heart, or leave well enough alone for now? Like I said, this has been a rough 2 years and I want to make sure.
  4. Thanks for the welcome. I am a 45 year old male who has been episodic since I'm 26. The last 2 years I have been chronic with at least 2 to 4 attacks a day without a break. I have tried every medication known to no avail. I found you guys and girls on the web the other day. I was at my wits end. Had the ice pick on the night stand ready to kill the beast in my head once and for all. I read about the seeds. Luckily for me, my neighbor had a bunch of MG's growing. I picked like a wild man. Followed the prep and slugged down the whole slurry mess. One hour later I had that feeling in my head that I can only describe as a wonderful snap crackle pop of the thing dying I hope. I seeded on 9-17 and it is now 9-19 and I have not had an attack since. There are no words to descibe the thanks I owe all of you out there, even for 2 days rest from the CH beast! I hope it is longer but just in case I ordered up some RC seeds for the freezer. Thanks again!!    Â
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