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Everything posted by Sanni
I have made up my mind not to bring these up to the doctors anymore. I have told them about mushrooms, liqorice root and vitamins for an example. Mushrooms are obviously drugs and I have mental problems wanting to use them. Liqorice root and bigger than usual amounts of vitamins are danger to my health. But all the drugs they have prescribed are ok. I was laughed at in the nineties when I told them I have heard of using oxygen in these suicide headaches. Near the millennium I was laughed at again, when I told them I had heard about using melatonin in CH. 10 years later same doctor that laughed at this, prescribed melatonin to me - he had forgotten the whole thing. Doctors seem to be unable to say "I don't know" or "I will ask somebody who knows" or "You seem to know more about this than me" - to hell with them.
I have never tried busting before. I remembered these mycobags the last time I thought of it, the whole process of growing my own mushrooms seemed a bit too much back then and it still does. Are they any good and where to get them ? Thanks.
My advice for O2 is to try everything. I almost gave up on it when I was chronic. Demand valve and mask do not work on my attacks, they do nothing. I need high, max flows I can get (usually 25 litres) and ER mask (which I have modded myself) which most people advice not to use. There's lot of ways to use o2 but I bet it will help everyone with CH as long as everyone keeps on trying and finding the best suitable treatment with it. At hospital (for an example) here in scandinavia you can get 15 lpm from the wall but it's the nose part that cuts it down to 10 lpm (I have not met anyone working at ER who knows this!) - that means if I have an attack and go to ER their o2 won't help me a bit, attack will last 3 hrs. But if I am at home it will be dealt in 10-15 minutes using 25 lpm. I hope you get help !
Thank you for telling your story ! God bless you and most of all, God bless the internet. I think people who don't have a way to get on the internet are in baaad place. With CH that point of giving up with the doctors is a black one, if you don't have knowledge about this of your own. I have always thought my CH got way worse when I "gave up" in the nineties before the internet, being told I am crazy or weak or whatever. You can't save anybody else but you can try Love & Light to everybody ! [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
Great big Thank you and a *hug* [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
2 days off liquorice root, shadows are right back. So the root is/was really working.
I tried liquorice root tincture (one from Herbal Remedies) for a week. I was too lazy to browse the whole board and to read this whole thread. I am currently on verapamil so I have no business trying liquorice root but during that week my shadows disappeared. I was on the edge of my cycle starting. So my little experience tells me this is really working. If I ever manage to get rid of verapamil I will try this tincture as a preventative again. Thumbs up for Les.
Thank you CHfather, Thank You. Liquorice root tincture I got from my friend was the one from herbal.remedies.co.uk. I took it 5-10 drops 3 times per day for a week. Shadows are totally gone by now. Every little hint for ch cycle is gone now. The problem is, I read the thread about liquorice root just now and it clearly states NOT to use it while on verapamil. Damn. I am not too optimistic that I can get rid of verapamil for good. I have never been able to get lower than 80mg+80mg+80mg without having heart problems. I feel liquorice root is helping me way more than verapamil has done for years, but I am too cautious not to use it anymore. Currently I have managed to cut down verapamil to 80mg+120mg+80mg= 280mg per day. But it's tough. Still waiting for seeds to arrive. Anyone reading this who is not on verapamil, don't start this medication. Try liquorice root. Will update my progress later, just wanted to thank you at this point
A big, big thank you already. I don't think I can manage to get any psilocybin mushrooms in my hands, and my best way probably would be to grow my own. I live in Scandinavia, been @ the doctors in three countries here and in all of them they strongly have adviced me to stay away from any "magic mushrooms", seeds or liquorice root for an example. It just seems a big task to begin, growing mushrooms, although I know the reward if I can be pain free because of them. But at this moment, I have ordered RC seeds online, now I am looking for liquorice root and skull cap. I got some liquorice tincture (factory-made but it should be the right kind) from my friend, chronic ch sufferer and I have taken it 3 times per day in a very small dosage. But it seems to be helping. I have still not had a full-blown attack but shadows. Will report my progress here and more advices are welcome. Spoke to my doc too on the phone, his advice was cortisone, verpamil, imitrex and something called dehydroergotamin. I could not disagree more. From the medical field I will take O2 but that's that.
Hiya all. I have been keeping my eye on this site for some time through my friend. I also follow CH updates at facebook. I have been living with Cluster Headache for 22 years, 18 years episodic and the rest as a chronic. There is no medicine on the planet I have not been prescribed. Each year my cycle got longer and my attacks worse. Pretty much all the time I have been on verapamil, imitrex and cortisone. Been surgically operated. Tried all the possible injections and stuff. Twice near death at the end of my chronic phase. Finally, I did vice versa what the doctors told me and quit all the medications I could and I started to get better and been pain free for a while. Reason I am writing now is that I have pretty bad shadows every day and I really feel the beast coming back. I am determined not to go on cortisone ever again and to avoid triptans. I have not managed to get rid of verapamil, seems that my body (=heart) has gotten too used to it. Currently daily dosage is 120mg+120mg+120mg=360mg. Been way over 1000mg in the past though, I would like to get rid of it altogether, it just does not seem to happen. I have had O2 for the last 15 years and I currently have that. But now I would like all advices you could give on how to prevent my cycle for beginning. D3 and omega helped me in the past but for some reason my body can't take big amounts too well. But I'd love any ideas on other stuff, busting (if cycle begins) and can seeds for an example be used as preventative? Liquorice root, all these things I have heard of from this board. I will so appreciate any tips anyone could give me and please ask some questions since I am not too good to write about all this in a short space ADD 1: As a chronic a big, big role in my attacks was always my back, neck, shoulders, you know. Those lumps I had in my muscles and the muscle pains were almost science fiction. Many health care professionals still to this day don't believe their eyes when I show pictures of my back for an example when the cycle was at it worst. So any help with muscle tightness would be great; this thing just seems to have a life of it's own, no matter what I do, how relaxed I am. Pain in my back and shoulders was the first sign for me that maybe this hell is coming back...