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Everything posted by shellcory

  1. Hi Guys, My name is Shell and I'm an Aussie. I have been searching the Internet and every where else I could looking for RC seeds with very little luck until now. I found this seller who has access to an almost unlimited supply of Rivera Corymbosa Seeds available at around 200 for $11 plus free postage and arrive in 4-6 days ( 9 still available at this price). This was the price he sold them for to me today, but the price may go up slightly when they realize how many people are trying to find them and the price difference between them and sharmanaustralis, 8 seeds for $4 plus postage of approx $6, plus you must spend minimum of $25 per order of $3 fee is added, they can take 3 weeks to arrive and if you call under 3 weeks to find out about your order you are charged an extra $5 for annoying them, What a rip off! [smiley=evil.gif] The link for RC Seeds is:  http://cgi.ebay.com.au/200-rivea-corymbosa-seeds-Badoh-Ololiuqui-/230518883568?p... I hope this is helpful, if so let me know, I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing in posting this info.:question But we had so much trouble sourcing materials that I thought I should share this info with all of you.                               Regards Shell :)
  2. Hi Guys,         Don't stress, I have contacted the seller to see if he is getting more and they will be back in stock within 2 days, he will be re-listing them asap! He also has access to an almost unlimited supply of Rivera Corymbosa Seeds available at around 200 for $11 plus free postage and arrive in 4-6 days ( 9 still available at this price). This was the price he sold them for to me today, but the price may go up slightly when they realize how many people are trying to find them and the price difference between them and sharmanaustralis, 8 seeds for $4 plus postage of approx $6, plus you must spend minimum of $25 per order of $3 fee is added, they can take 3 weeks to arrive and if you call under 3 weeks to find out about your order you are charged an extra $5 for annoying them, What a rip off! [smiley=evil.gif] The link for RC Seeds is:  http://cgi.ebay.com.au/200-rivea-corymbosa-seeds-Badoh-Ololiuqui-/230518883568?pt=AU_Plants_Seeds_Bulbs I hope this is helpful, if so let me know, I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing in posting this info. :question But we had so much trouble sourcing materials that I thought I should share this info with all of you.                               Regards Shell [smiley=happy.gif] [smiley=happy.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
  3. Hi Guys, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â DMT is Dimethyltryptamine. The following link at Erowid Vault has lots of info: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt_writings2.shtml ALD-52 info at:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALD-52 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Regards Shell
  4. My name is Shell and I'm an Aussie. I have been searching the Internet and every where else I could looking for RC seeds with very little luck, other than 8 seeds at a cost of $4 at sharmanaustralis.com.au which is very expensive. I have just found and ordered 100 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds from ebay.au at a cost of $14.50, as the recommended dose for these is 2-4 at a time depending on the person, 100 should last quite a while. Hope that this helps you and you can get some relief. The link is: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Hawaiian-Baby-Woodrose-Far-NQ-Alligator-creek-strain-/250682632695?pt=AU_Plants_Seeds_Bulbs Goodluck! Regards Shell :)
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