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Everything posted by SmokeY

  1. Sorry for not updating, lots of things have happened. Took my 3rd dose about 3 weeks ago, and haven't had an attack since. However, for some strange reason I have developed TMJ symptoms, and I am having jaw pain and thus, a headache. My doctor just informed me I definately have TMJ. A maxillo-facial surgeon also told me wed. that I have migraines AND cluster-headaches. I have decided to stop taking LSD and cannabis, as I have been put on new meds (joy :-/). BUT, I am very glad that I tried it, as it has helped ALOT. I am thankful for you guys' support, and I just want to say, please, continue what you are doing, as people could and do benefit from these alternative treatments. It's very hard to know that relief is possible, but prohibited. But, my 3 doses helped my headaches way more than anything else, and it also inspired me. It kind of made ok with where I am, and where Im headed, because if I ever want that relief again, I know where it is. I have learned what is and isn't important, and learned about myself. I will continue to try to find something that ales me, and one day I might come back to this...but sadly I cannot at this time in my life. Thank you all, and good luck! [smiley=dankk2.gif]
  2. Took my second dose on monday, and developed an attack the next morning. The attack didnt last as long as usual, and the pain was more tolerable. Have one more dose to take on friday. Also, I dont seem to have much of a headache in between attacks. Will update again on friday!
  3. Yeah I had the chance to try it out on Tues. and even now, about 2 days later, no pain. It killed my migraine within the first few hours. Nor do I have a "shadow" headache... I am amazed to say the least. Also, I took a "light" dose. While effects were noticeable and there was a change in perception, no hallucinations occured. I plan to take another dose maybe next week, just to be safe.
  4. Thanks for the help! I will hopefully have the chance to see soon, and will share my findings when I do.
  5. Hi! For the past 2 years of my life I have had to live with intractable migraines. I often have 3-4 attacks a week, but between the attacks I have a constant headache not as severe as the attack but very painful nonetheless. Basically I am in pain everyday and have been for quite a long time. I have been on close to 30 prescription drugs and have had little success. I have also had a fair share of adverse reactions. About 1 year ago, 1 year after my diagnosis, I tried Cannabis for the first time. My sole intention was pain relief. Up until this point I had never smoked anything, broken any law, used any illicit substance, or even thought of it. I was not ashamed however because it did relieve my pain...but only temporarily. So for the last year of my life I have smoked Cannabis everyday, usually multiple times in an effort to control my pain. I have seen a reduction in attacks but only slightly, and if i stop smoking, a few days later the pain comes back full force. Recently a few of my good friends (with whom i consume cannabis) tried LSD and all had good experiences. I have stumbled upon this site before, and having done hours of research, I am confident that LSD could help my condition. Although I am hesitant in a way to ingest LSD. For awhile now I have been contemplating using LSD....it seems I have nothing to lose and much to gain. My question is this: How can I most effectively treat/eradicate my migraines with LSD? Is there anyone else who has had success treating themselves with LSD? Can you take LSD as an abortive or a preventative? Both? thanks in advance -smokey
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