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Posts posted by snafu

  1. you are in a dire place, i think most of us have been at. that's why it's important to have an arsenal of remedies ready. like a boyscout you have to always be prepared.

    Your List should include:

    1. oxygen
    2. oxygen!!
    3. oxygen!!!
    4. vitamin d3 protocol+cofactors
    5. Tryptamines (LSD, MM, Seeds)


    IMHO both verapamil and triptans like zomig are a double edge sword. they take the edge off and mask the cluster but i swear to god those medications made my condition worse. i can not prove it but i am almost certain that that is the case. i have read numerous reports from sufferers over the years that state the same.

    bonus as time goes on you will have to up the verapamil, that's how the story goes. and at some point you start feeling the side effects. i felt like a zombie, with severy constipation and waterpooling in my legs, mind you i am a very active and athletic person. it was hell and not worth it.


    oxygen and magic mushrooms/lsd saved my life and my sanity. i am forever grateful to this board it's initiator and members. 

    the drugs doctos perscribe are all offlabel use...make what you will of that.


    good luck!

    • Like 5
  2. why would you even disclose such information to authorities, well knowing of the consequences?

    that is a damn hefty price to pay for being honest.but that's beside the point now..

    the good news is that psychs such as psilo is metabolised in 24 hours and leave no trace in your body. there isn't a drug test that can show that you took magic mushrooms.

    10 years pf is a long time and i sincerely hope you can get back to that state asap. the fact that you are unable to live with your kid because of the cure to your disease is mindblowing.

    i wish you all the best!

  3. about a week or two before my cycle starts, my neck and my trap on the side my cluster hits start to ache. then i slowly start to get discomfort in the occipital region in the back of my head. once i'm at that stage i know the cluster is going to hit in a couple of days. my shoulderblade also gets knots in the muscles, mainly the subscapularis.


  4. 4 hours ago, ThatHurtsMyHead said:

     but damn have I had a ton of other stuff happen since.  Exhaustion, mental fog, joint pain (sometimes pretty bad).  


    sounds like long covid. i had fatigue in the beginning as well, it has gotten better. my doc emphasized not to exert myself since that can trigger PEM, which can lead to a worsening of symptoms and condition overall.

    hope you get well soon

  5. i have had lyme a couple of times in my life. covid reactivated the dormant borreliae in my body. i suggest you find a doc who specializes in lyme disease since it can develop into neuro-lyme and that is no bueno.

    as for mushrooms: can't hurt but the headaches caused by the bacterium won't be touched by the shrooms.

    please got to a doctor.

    • Like 2
  6. got the china virus end of october. long hauling since end of november (shortness of breath, fatigue, vertigo, couldn't comprehend what i read, dizziness, loss of smell and taste which have gotten better/are gone, but i developed a POTS like condition).

    got a major and severe cluster from beginning of january till beginning of febuary. interestingly my usual cycle is during oktober, november and not during january. i think the inflammation and stress from covid triggered the cluster which was a major pita this time, up to 8 hits a day. during the nighttime every 2 hours on the dot.

    during this episode LSD couldn't break the cycle either. usually it does after 2 doses.

    interesting fact: i was on d3 and cofactors before covid and my levels were above 120 and after covid (2 weeks between end of october-beginning of november) the levels had dropped to 60, although i was always taking 10,000 units a day...covid sucked the d3 and other nutrients out of me (low on b1, b6, b12, ferritin all messed up).

    so now i got 2 conditions which medicine has no clue about. CH and POTS.

    Thanks covid!

    at least the cluster cycle took its course. although, and this is very strange ,i had single severe hits (kip7) here and there for months on the opposite side my cluster usually is at and has been for 2 decades (up to end of june) which i never had before (ch since 20 years) and a prolonged shadow which wouldn't go away.


    the cherry on top of this all. had disc surgery at l5/s1 during may. you could say 2020/2021 can go f@*ck itself ;)


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