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One long shadow yesterday, one 3am wake up both aborted with o2 quite quickly. Head not so sore, neck fine. 1 sleep til dose 2. More positive today. Will keep updating. m9ndbent
phew, glad its not just me. I can hear it! its like crystals popping. No idea why though, stress related? m9ndbent
Thanks Davidj35 its good to know these things, they will keep me going. No CH last night, about 3 kip 4 yesterday and shadows that would not respond to taurine, coffee or o2. But still this is better than feeling like a slowed down, forgetful zombie. I had forgotten a few of the symptoms that come on into the cycle, a crunchy neck, painful teeth, sensitive head, it sometimes feels like I left my sunglasses on the top of my head or am still wearing one of my (ridiculous) hats. Oh, and to some degree, pure, helpless depression, sometimes I feel that the headaches are a punishment for feeling good when they are not there! I know its sounds stupid, but very real when all you want to do is jump out the window and stop the pain. I had a horrible moment the other night as I was chugging away at the o2, my 7 month old baby girl was asleep in her cot next to me. (she keeps me sane) as I felt a twinge of white pain she reached her hand to the exact spot on the back of her own neck. I hope and pray she never has to go through this, ever. However, I do try to take positives out of it, the MRI images have and will be used again in my video projection. When the CH has peaked I sometimes get real clarity of thought in my head, almost like a very lucid dream, and I can visualise some amazing things. Thankyou for your support, I am counting the days away (2 sleeps now!) til my next dose, then I will have to get some RC or Hwbr seeds as mushies are difficult to come by at this time of year, I have not yet looked into growing spores, I seem to remember there was some sort of law change here as the head shops no longer seem to sell them, although a keen herb grower (legal kitchen variety only) I assume they will take some time, love and effort. still gonna kick its arse though. m9ndbent.
Oh, Damn. That hurt. Got into my teeth and everywhere. Kip 9/10 just struck me down. Kicking n screaming for 3 hours, 3 hours sleep. Think I scared my wife. I feel steamrollered. Did nearly 1/2 tank o2. m9ndbent
@mad6string Oh, thanks, my browser had not refreshed so I missed your post. Just outa interest are/were you episodic or chronic? I am told I am episodic, but 7-9 months of the year I suffer. And yeah, I know the twinge of Oh Christ, here it comes..... m9ndbent
I feel good, @davidj35 That is what I wanted to hear, just to confirm my suspicions. No nighttime CH. A good sleep. But this may just be an odd day of remission that I get anyway...... I suppose the ultimate test would be a pint of my favourite lager. I don't think I will risk it just yet. My first dose was Tuesday night 11pm, so the next will be Tuesday next week, a good opportunity as most of the kids (I have 4!) will be away. (I actually feel like a teenager sneaking about doing this) @Yury66 from one first timer to another, go for it.....you got nothing to lose but the pain. m9ndbent
Yeah, Thanks CArl, I was counting 5, but maybe I will wait a bit longer, Although I am getting what I hope is post dose hits (it would explain why the beast has/is changing sides?) I do feel better when I am between them, no shadows, head only a little sensitive etc. @Yuri66 Hi! maybe we've met before? I was also a Eurobrat, lived in Holland, Germany, France, lots of international schools, and friends who I never kept in touch with. Funny but I know of more than a few clubbers and late night workers who seem to suffer with CH now. m9nbent
Ok. That wasn't too bad.... Thankyou all for the musical suggestions, I went with the Orb, Floyd, (darkside) Infected mushroom! and the KLF (white room) Dosed about 11pm, lights off, candles on. Nothing spectacular happened, all very subtle and quite like being very stoned. However, towards the end about 2am I felt like something in my head had been lifted. I had a 4am attack on the left hand side* Next day all good in the morning no shadows, felt like I had taken something, ie, bit wooly n tired. 3 attacks during the day, all quite bad kip 4/5 o2 helped but took a lot longer to abort, evening ch lasted a couple of hours (maybe cause I had to drive and this seems to be a trigger for me sometimes) Too early to tell today yet. Just up. its 7.30ish am as I type this. I have another dose prepared for 3 days time now..... * I am unilateral, usually on the right hand side, allthough it swapped last year when I took a nasal spray once... Interestingly my o2 supplier told me yesterday he had been very busy with his CH patients, he thinks the weather has something to do with it....(a typical Brit cant go 5 seconds without talking about weather, this is because of the frequency of change here) I do too. Anyone else affected by the climate? I think I read that nearer the equator there are fewer CH cases. @1961mom I find Canadian accents the funniest... thats all for now... m9ndbent
Hello everyone. wow! what a quick response. Meds, yup off those, for about 6 months now, no alcohol as soon as I realised. Will write a note to myself, its just the drugs etc. Am just about to go pick up my package, so will decide what music, the Orb maybe Floyd maybe, maybe not Darkside of the Moon, maybe beachboys or just some tripped out electronica with no lyrics to focus on. Having taken just about everything else in the past, I kinda know what to expect, coming up, riding it, losing it .......however the best laid plans of mice and men etc, just been on the o2 as the beast I think knows this is coming... Will report back tomorrow? in a few days....gonna go for 1.5g dried made into tea. Oh, and visuals, (that was my job in clubs to create video visuals for the music) I kinda want those, Ive heard so many stories, so I may do more... Thanks for all the good wishes. out. for now... m9ndbent
Hello, Ive been lurking about for a few weeks trying to get a feel for the board before posting. I am ready now in more ways than one. So, my story............ I am a (relatively) healthy, thin, tall 39 yr old male who lives in the UK, and thinking back I can remember episodes of headpain that have woken me from sleep in a confused way for well over 18 years now. About 8 years ago they started to happen more frequently and definately when I was stressed and/or drinking. I put it all down to my lifestyle/dehydration/hangovers/comedowns/class a,b n c. substances. Then about 8 years ago they became so bad I really believed I had something seriously wrong with my head (tumourously wrong) but being a single, single minded kinda guy at the time I sensibly decided to ignore the pain, not go to the doctor, take more drugs and alcohol and resign myself to the misconceived truth that I was either going to die from this tumour or die from all the partying I was doing. (I was working in clubs with flashy lights, free booze, pretty girls and drugs) Well those times soon passed and I stopped the club work, slowed down the partying, knocked all drugs on the head except smoking weed, and started to listen to my body instead of the party animal who still lives in me. Then I had the headaches (kip 9/10) so bad they scared me shitless, I cried, smashed my head against things, I could not sit still, the pain was excruciating, made my eye water, the snot in the right side of my head to turn to thick jelly, my head got ultra sensitive, I looked like I was having a stroke, and even after them I had the feeling there was something shadowy in my head, this made me scared depressed terrified of sleep...... So I went to a hospital and after a few blood tests the doctor said he thought I had Cluster Headaches, to take a letter to my doctor and good luck. However I was "sofa surfing" at the time in London, not living anywhere really so did not have a doctor to see, I was working sporadically in clubs, however I was savvy enought to google and research all I could on my condition, surely there was something I could do/change/medicate myself with? Eventually I settled down in the North of England and had long stretches PF. But as always, around September time after a glass of red or a beer they would start. So I went to a specialist headache clinic, got myself Verapamilled Steroided, ECG'd Sumatriptaned Injectioned nasal sprayed MRI'd and declared free of Tumours. Phew. However last year I was a zombie on the meds. Thinking through treacle and forgetting things I had just done. My ECG's were not good. I only ever had a few kip 2's and some shadows on the meds, so they worked, but the trade off is not good enough for me, I have 3 kids and a 7 month old baby now to look after, hard enough without a chemical cosh. My cycle, for some reason, has come early this year. My nurse was away so I thought I would tough this one out with o2, but your mind plays tricks with you, you forget just how painful they are and yesterday I had a kip 5 whilst driving home only to find I had run out of o2 (I have some again now thanks to my wife being a nurse and saying it was an emergency). So I got onto the phone to a friend who just mentioned he may have some fungi, he has, yes I can have it. I am going to dose tonight. Its funny, but during all my drug taking days I refrained from mushrooms, lsd, DMT. I'm a bit scared, well maybe more nervous to be honest, but I have read these forums, extracted the relevant excellent info and have a very supportive wife who will baby sit me. so let me introduce myself, I am going to be m9ndbent. And hopefully break these things.