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  1. I see no reason to delete this post.This is very interesting subject.Next time I get a CH I am going to try pushups.It will not be easy,but what do I have to lose.After 2 weeks of 3-4 CH a day,they just stopped.My last cycle,which was a few years ago lasted months.Basically,I have no clue. Now I just seem to get a headache that last all day.Pretty sad that I'm happy for the headache vs cluster.I am not getting a false sense of security because the minute I think its ok,is when the ball drops.I'm sure most of you know how that goes. I plan on doing some research for home remedies,and plan on making a thread on the topic.Hey,what works for you might not work for me,but we can agree that CH are the worst pain that most of us have ever felt.I am in the process of getting o2,and drinking Red Bull in the meantime.I think the worst,beside the obvious, is lack of sleep,and that bad hangover feeling that follows you through the day.
  2. That sounds like a valid point,but when I get clusters,my only choice is to walk back and forth or rock in one place.I heard people do push-ups,baths ect...I wish I could,but my pain always has my full attention,unfortunately. I'm not sure what Kip levels mean.I assume the amount of pain your feeling.I rate my pain as screaming,and crying like a baby.
  3. CHfather-When I talked with this guy on the phone,I told him that a friend of mine is teaching me how to weld.I asked him if they had 125 c ft tanks,to which he replied, yes.I then asked if those tanks had a standard connection,and he said yes.I told them I would purchase my own regulator,after I found out they want 130 dollars for there regulators.He told me the connection was CGAE4,after reading something on the fitting,I guess.I say, I guess,because he was like, wait a minute,It has some writing,and thats when he said CGAE4. This guy sounded alot younger,so maybe I should talk to someone else with more knowledge. I really have no clue on the subject,as a whole,but when I talk to them Monday,should I ask specific questions.Like my friend mentioned, that the standard is CGA 540 for larger 02 tanks.You bring up a good point.I want to make sure I have the correct fitting before I rent the tank. Â
  4. Chillaxing.Love It! That's my new word 8-)
  5. Thanks Spiny.After reading this whole thread again alot of my questions were answered already.I feel the The Dream Warriors,In Nightmare On Elm Street,afraid to go to bed.That friggin Demon is waiting for me to dream.I guess lack of sleep as me tripping,but not in a great way.Thats ok! I will be busting on some seeds or shrooms,sooner than later.
  6. I was raised Catholic,but I don't attend church.I believe in God and prayer. Praying can go a long way.I'll pray for you,and all the other people that suffer on this forum,or have yet to find this group..I was watching a program about prayer.It was from a scientific point vs spiritual. Anyway,They had planted some seeds to grow plants.They took a group of people,and had them pray to 1/2 of the plants ,but not pray for the other half.The plants that were prayed upon grew heather and flourished faster.They did alot of different experiments,and prayer always seemed to win. God Bless You! I will say a prayer for your pain to go away.I just spent the last 2 nights in hell screaming like a little baby over these ch's.It sucks to be us sometimes.
  7. I called a local welding supply company and received some pricing.If I'm repeating myself sorry.I just got through another night of horrible attacks. 4 hours sleep in 2 days :-[ 125 cubic foot tank = 75 dollar /year lease. Refill = 23 dollars Not sure if there is a deposit on tank.Unfortunately,when I called back they were closed.Now I have to wait until Monday,but that gives me time to get the other stuff ordered I need. I was told the standard connection on these tanks are CGAE4.They sell regulators for a 130 dollars,so no way I will buy a regulator through this company.There 10 miles away from my house,so location is perfect.I'm not opposed to a mouth piece,but then again,I'm a newbie.Beside the tank and gas I need how many more pieces. 1.Tank 2.gas 3.regulator (suggestions) 4. mask or mouth piece (not sure here either) 5.Any other pieces I'm missing ? Me & my battered head thank-you Denny,I have been reading in the forums for 2 days now.Congrats on your new home.Nice pics.Sure looks like you guys worked your tail off getting your home built.
  8. Weird.I called Harbor Freight,and they do not rent or lease o2 tanks.Any other ideas?
  9. Thanks....Much more compassion here,than at the doctors office today : Â It's all good,I'm over it.I am going the welders route,with a high flow regulator,and Opti2 mask.I'll just rent or lease a large tank,until I buy one.That's one weapon I can use with energy drinks.I plan I spending alot of my free time with my nose in these forums,so I can add some more weapons.This forum has given me some hope,and that a hell of alot more than I had yesterday.
  10. Thanks +2.The info on RC seeds too! Yes,there is a Harbor Freight close to where I live.That regulator has no lpm gauge,so How do I control the flow? Would you suggest that regulator? If it works,I'm happy. I found this tank,but its out of my price range until I start work. http://www.fastenal.com/web/products/detail.ex?sku=0830366&ucst=t Renting is another option.I just remembered that my Brother-In-Law has worked for Lincoln Electric for 30 years.Maybe he has got some connections.I'm over worrying about contamination.I want relieve.It seems you guys have alot of experience dealing with o2,so I'm ready. Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone.
  11. Great information.This really gives me a sense of direction. $180 to purchase a 150cf steel tank $50 for an O2 clean welding regulator Use either an Opti2 or non-rebreather mask This is workable. Where can I buy one of these tanks? Where can I get O2 clean welding regulator? Should I buy the tank where I get refills.I see some tanks go for 350 dollars.I live in NE Ohio.Very close to Kent State University.if that means anything.
  12. This thread. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1338767259
  13. Thanks.I did alot of reading on welding O2,and there are some concerns I have going that route.I'm not giving up,just really down atm.I will call some walk in clinics,and see what happens.I think what pissed her off is,I told here I'm not asking for Oxycontin or Morphine,just some non toxic,non addictive o2 for H-Christ! I have been busy reading the forums,and found some interesting stories.This one in particular. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1305662963Â I also noticed that alot of people go here for RC seeds.It says these seeds are not for human consumption.Is that why you grind and soak the seeds.What is the best way. http://www.iamshaman.com/eshop/10Expand.asp?ProductUID=1853&ProductCode=RVC-50 Again.Thanks for the supportÂ
  14. 9-12-12 I drank 4 Red Bulls yesterday,and then took 10 mg of melatonin before bed and felt fine after a solid week of attacks.Well,No luck.I woke up from sleep 3 times with a major CH.I drank my last energy drink on the first attack.It did not stop the pain,but the duration of the pain was less. 9-13-12 I had my doctors appointment today.I explained that I was diagnosed with CH,and this has been going on for years.I also explained some of the great information I found on this site.She told me she cannot and will not give me a script for o2.The best she could do is give me information on home set up through a medical company.She also said this could get expensive.She knows my situation.No job or benefits.I told here I am going to start a job in a few weeks,but having CH will make it a huge challenge without some kind of treatment.I pleaded with her for a prescription for o2,but she refused.She told me she did not like my attitude,and will not see me anymore for today.I was told to re-schedule.FAT chance in hell.Where is the compassion.I wanted to tell here to F off,but instead,just left the office.I will try the D3 regimen next.If that doesnt work I'm looking for a tall bridge :-/ Â
  15. I'm not working atm.A large tank, 125 cu. ft is 350 dollars Maybe I'll look for something smaller.Still reading all the links. http://www.fastenal.com/web/products/detail.ex?sku=0830366&ucst=t
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