I'm a newbie here and I've been spending a small fortune on oxygen but I still have my 2 cents worth. :-)
Clusters have brought me close to suicide several times, this cycle included. It's not about whose pain is worse. Making the statement that Clusters are worse than migraines or any other form of pain is not to belittle or diminish, it's an attempt to be understood. I don't want your sympathy, it's not unwelcome, but it's not what I'm after. For some reason reading about the guy who advocated getting a long hose on the oxygen mask so you could pace made me feel better. There's someone who understands. Finding this forum and a collection of people who understood, realizing that there were that many people who experienced the same thing, was a blessing for me. Reading just a bit about you MoxieGirl gives me hope and encouragement, not because I think you suffer more than I do, but because I know you understand and you've made it through. Regardless of the fabulous advice and info on where to get supplies and the brilliance of someone suggesting I sleep sitting up in a chair, (it worked), is the fact that there are people who know and understand. For me, seeing suicide as an option has two components to it: getting away from the pain; and getting away from the loneliness and isolation that not being understood brings. I do not speak of this lightly. I have a wonderful family, children & grandchildren..... but you people have saved me! In the middle of an attack if someone offered me the choice of oxygen or understanding ....... I'd of course grab the O2 ...... but I'd want the guy who understood to stick around!!