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Everything posted by Adamlee011

  1. I knew that sounded familiar. Now I remember I ran across that name 5meoDALT researching that fake weed my brother was smoking. Pretty sure it killed my god daughter's father 2 years ago. Not necessarily that particular substance. I don't like the idea of research chemicals. I like something natural that I'm familiar with. But the seeds are something I didn't know about. Definitely worth a shot.
  2. Also, I've had some experience with shulgan's synthesized 2c's but haven't heard of that one. The rc seeds sound promising. Isn't lsa a derivative of lsd that doesn't cause hallucinations? I thought I read something about that. And that the research and synthesis etc just isn't worth anything to the pharmaceutical industry.
  3. Thank you for all the info. I thought about joining this forum a few times and just never did until yesterday when I was feeling completely alone (people might fein sympathy but they haven't the first clue what you're going through.) I know how to get around the forums and I have a lot to look into. Which is funny because most doctors, at least until recently, will just say, "Oh I'm so sorry, you have cluster headaches, there's no cure." the end.
  4. I'm looking at two tanks in my room right now. It works for me MAYBE 50% of the time that I try it. The thing is, I don't want to sit there for 10 minutes most times to find out if it's going to work this time or not. I know all about that nonrebreather etc. I get it up full and breath right off the tube or it does nothing. I like try to hyperventilate on it. Like I said sometimes it works. Didn't ever hear about D3. From what I've read I'm very optimistic about the hallucinogens. I've tripped more times than I can count so I know I can handle it, in fact,I love mushrooms. I've pretty much had access to these kinds of things, in the past, whenever I wanted them. Until now when I need it medically. Go figure. I think shrooms would be easier to guage a very low dose and I know they're easier on my body. I think I actually might be able to find lsd but who knows how many micrograms were dropped on a strip of that ya know? I steer clear of that these days.
  5. I know this well. 20 years or more I've suffered 1-3 times a day, every day for 3 months at a time, 1-2 cycles a year. Wake me out of a sound sleep, frantically fumbling for an imatrex shot. I'm just starting another cycle (and they'll only get worse until they, like, peak for me) and I want somebody to feel bad for me. 😕 every Time I feel the onset I say, "I can't do this again, I can't go through this again.) terrified. I've saved up about a hundred shots since the last cluster but I don't imagine it's a great idea to use them every day for even a month. Maybe it's ok to, idk, but when they come, and I know I have a shot, I'm using it.
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