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CH Mot

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Everything posted by CH Mot

  1. I have found a cure. I believe it has become more known. Magic Mushrooms! I started having cluster head aches in 2006. I vividly remember the first one I had. Brutal! In 2008, after being diagnosed, the doctors at the "Headache Clinic" prescribed all kinds of drugs, I was taking 30 pills a day, oxygen, Imitrex, Relpax, Steroids.None of it worked. Oxygen actually made my headaches worse, and the imitrex just masked the pain. My "shadow headache" was always there. Until my girlfriend discovered the :Shroom Method" 2-1gram doses a week apart and my cycle is broken, my headaches stop. I believe that the way they work is that when taking the magic mushrooms, you get really stoned and the drug completely scrambles your brain chemicals. When you come down, your body has an "automatic reset button" and resets all of your chemicals back to their normal levels. So, in my opinion Cluster Headaches are simply chemical imbalances in the brain. I just started a cycle about a week ago, took my cure and bam! Gone! It works every time! I usually go into cycles about twice a year (Solstices).
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