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Everything posted by Grumpytom23

  1. Hi there, I just started getting CH again a week ago, worse and more often then ever before; my starts usually in my right eye and ear, not inside the ear but on the side of face right before ear opening it kills, when I don't have a headache it's fine there. Seeing doc on Friday if I make it that long
  2. So much for the alcohol theory, just finished an hour and 30 min episode and haven't had a drop of alcohol in 3 days; bad one too. Search continues
  3. Thanks for info, I will. Really appreciate the help and insight!
  4. Thanks for info, I will. Really appreciate the help and insight!
  5. The drinking has never been an issue, I did travel by plane right before the attacks started up again, wonder if that has something to do with it. My doctor has just prescribed me a course of medrol dosepak steroid. Any info on that?
  6. Thanks all for the replies to answer some of the questions I've only been on verapamil, started at 240 mg then had to go up to 360 and was headache free for over a year until 12/4. I had never known about any abortive until I found this site so I've just been bearing thru the episodes. I'm glad to hear that I'm not crazy about the after pains and what I guess are shadows that I have everyday. I'm going to check with my doc about the d3 regimen and believe that alcohol is a trigger, all my episodes have occurred after drinking, for the last fees days if I don't drink I haven't had a headache. I don't know about busting so I'll check that out too. Thanks again you all, glad to have friends who know what it's like!
  7. I began on 240mg verapamil over a year ago that worked some, like you I went off and the CH came back. I then went up to 360mg once a day and I don't know if it was that but my CH's went dormant for over a year until this past week. Just started getting them again so the search continues
  8. I'm new to this site, glad I found it to talk to the only people who get it. I've been dealing with CH for 2-3 years, I'm on verapamil and CH was dormant for past year, just came back this week. I had an episode last night that lasted 2 hours, my head is sore today in the areas of the pain. Does anybody else experience that?
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