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  1. Oh sorry, I forgot to mention where I moved to. ClusterHeadaches dot com
  2. I have left this site. Look elsewhere for help with ClusterHeadaches.
  3. Some were reluctant to live on a round earth too. Let me help by identifying some triggers. Triggers -Sneezing, coughing, and breathing -Walking, motor vehicle transport, especially on concrete -Head position, especially in motion -Sound: Talking, singing, etc., noise -Pressing the head to close the affected orbit
  4. This is the name. You are correct. To date, the medical community has failed to recognize that we have pinched nerves in our faces. “But how can my orbit floor move,†you ask? Orbit Floor Movement / Maxillary bone The orbit floor is stressed by four forms of inputs: transient positive and negative sinus pressure from breathing, vibration from sound, forehead load bearing, and from other external forces. Imagine the orbit floor as a ‘hammock’ that supports the orbit contents. The ‘hammock’ is full and tight supporting its load. The “hammock’ is pulled down and raised up when breathing in and out against nasal restrictions. Sound resonating in the maxillary sinus shakes the bottom, under the floor. Talking and loud noises hurt. Sneezing splits the ‘hammock’. Another function of the orbit floor is to transfer the weight of the forehead to the neck. The heavy load compresses the bone and V2+. Dynamic loading of this compression is the largest contributor to cluster headache attacks. The two worst examples are walking and motor vehicle transport. Head position also affects the bone compression level of the load transfer. Tilting the head moves the center of gravity, changing the weight load experienced by the orbit floor. Finally, external forces also influence orbit floor compression. Pressing on the head can affect compression similar to head tilting. Use of an orthotic cranial helmet helps to stabilize movement of the orbit floor, reducing compression events. Patients can find some relief if they: breathe thru their mouth, stay quiet, avoid noisy environments, tilt or brace the head as to open the affected orbit, wear a support helmet and spongy soled shoes during transport.
  5. Dale’s Black Eye Palsy, a Cause of Cluster Headaches Postulate Dale Fairly, November 21, 2016, first revision January 1, 2017 Definition Dale’s Black Eye Palsy is a neurological disorder of certain nerves of the face, located in the orbit. Similar to Bell’s palsy which disrupts an output cranial nerve, Dale’s Black Eye palsy disrupts an input cranial nerve. With Bell’s palsy, the loss of motor function makes diagnosis easy. However, Dale’s Black Eye palsy is a loss of input signals, less understood and difficult to recognize. Both disorders disrupt part of the same autonomic nerve. These nerves, the Infraorbital, the Zygomatic and the Greater Petrosal nerves (V2+) become entrapped in the orbit floor. This entrapment leads to nerve compression. The nerve compression reduces the nerve signal. The weak signal results in palsy of the terminal systems. Symptoms occur when the nerves undergo nerve friction, intermittent and/or constant nerve compressions. Initially, the friction may only be transient, resulting in symptom free periods. Orbit floor movement produces intermittent nerve compressions, proportional to the orbital floor stress. Whereas, significant entrapment, infection, inflammation, cold, or rest produce longer constant compression. Strong sudden compression causes significant stimulation, and significant distress suddely, like a ‘funny bone’. Soft, constant compression is like a leg ‘falling asleep’. Similarly, after these compressions, some recovery time is necessary before normal function returns, although longer. In most patients, Dale’s Black Eye Palsy is progressive, as the bones age. Contents Orbit Floor Movement ...2 Lacrimal System .............2 Nasal Cycle .....................3 Internal Nasal Valve .......3 Sinus ...............................4 Gate Theory ................... 4 Pain ................................4 Nerves ............................4 Skin .................4 Temperature ...5 Symptoms .......6 Causes .............6 Risk factors ......7 Triggers ...........7 Treatment .......7 Testing ............7 Feel free to contact me for further information and/or answers to your unanswered questions.
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