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  1. And here is the seltzer product that helps me: http://ameliabeverages.com/history.htm
  2. Thanks so much, Batch. That's really full and complete information. Cheers! Alan
  3. Thanks so much, Batch. That's really full and complete information. Cheers! Alan
  4. Another follow up: I have the type of cluster headache that relates to the trigeminal nerve (left side).
  5. Thanks for the information. Maybe there is something about fizz that helps.
  6. As a follow-up post, I also take vitamins: in morning, 1000 mcg methylcobalamin B-12 and 200 mg high absorption chelated magnesium (every other day to reduce impact on gut); at lunch, 5000 IU vit D3 and a multivitamin for people over age 65; at night before bed, 5 mg melatonin (slow release). I've been taking these for about three years. Do folks take other vitamins to prevent or lessen cluster headaches?
  7. Thanks for your comment, Jon. I don't consume any caffeine, so no energy drinks. Yes, it's flavored seltzer with nothing else. I think the carbonation is key.
  8. I have a history of cluster headaches (about 8 years). Recently, I have found that drinking a small amount (about half a cup) of seltzer that has small bubbles immediately before going to bed every night has helped. This seems odd--why would seltzer help? Has anyone had a similar experience? If not, try it right before going to sleep and let me know. Any ideas as to why it might help? Thanks.
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