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Verna Puryear

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  1. This shot is not a nerve block, it is administered through an iv and regular shot in your arm. We're just wanting justification as why Dr. Mike could stand by his product and Dr. Rick, who, by the way, is Dr. Mikes brother-in-law, doesn't stand by his so called same product.
  2. In March of 2017 my husband and I traveled to Weatherford, Oklahoma and he saw Dr. Mike and received his first Jesus shot, he had wonderful results.. 8 months later, November 2nd, to be exact we went back, he and I both received the shot from Dr. Rick, as Dr. Mike had passed away, they told us that it was the exact same as he had received in March. He or I, either one had the same reaction as his first time. After calling several times to see what could be done, finally last week the receptionist returned my call, telling me that we would have to come back and get another injection, paying full price... I asked to speak to Dr. Rick and of course he was to busy to talk to me. Finally this morning he returned my call, stating that everyone was different and no one had the same reaction, after the nurse had already told me that several people who received the injection at the same time as ours had no results, he also said that we could come back and get another one for half price.... We're on a fixed income and can't make that trip every month, regardless of how much it costs. We don't mind paying for it, if it works, which it didn't! In my opinion Dr. Rick should make this right!! Anyone agree???
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