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Ok My headache is back. Full force. The last one was Jan 26 until Feb 4. I took the Indometthacin for 5 days and got diarrea really bad. My bowel is still rumbling and then yesterday the headache started again. I did take the Indomethacin but so far it has not helped. Do any of you know of a place like this for just Migraine suffers? I am also questioning about my Lithium. I went off of it last April and have been doing really well. Have been on Lithiium for about 20 years. Am wondering if that could be the reasons for these headaches coming so often, staying so long, and being this severe. Will call my psychiatrist on Monday. Do not offer remedys for either headache or diarrea. I have tried them all with no luck. I am presently taking 10,000 Vit D a day. Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone has offered so far.
yes I take Prilosec 2 times a day. Have for a long time. I also made sure I took the pill with Mylanta, on a full stomach. It is the diarrea more then anything else that is getting to me. Thanks for your reply.
OK all, the Indomethacin did stop the headache in 5 days. Had a shadow for about 3 or 4 days. But I am having ill effects from the med for the last 8 days. Diarrea, upset stomach. Wow that stuff is powerful. My question now is: which is worse, the headache or the side effects of the meds.
I mentioned the Vit D test to her. I get my blood work done in Apr. I hope that is all it is. I am taking the 10,000 Vit D right now. Plus Magnisium and a antihistimine recommended by a neroologist nurse. Plus the Indomethacin. The headache has slacked up today. It is still there but not as extrememe. Hoping I will wake up tomorrow free of it I do however have diarrea which I suppose is to be expected with med. Been taking the med with food and mylanta. Stomach is not to bad right now. Thanks for your reply Batch.
OK Joe. I believe I have pretty much ruled out Cluster headaches for me. I have none of the symptoms. As to the headaches that usually apply to women. I got the perscription yesterday (Indomethacin. ) Yesterday. Day 6 of headache and day 2 of med and nothing has changed yet. Symtoms for this kind of headache do not really apply either. So now I guess I do more research. As soon as the pain lets up enough for me to do it. Thanks for your reply. I am getting desperate here.
That is one of my questions about Hernicranial continua, is there never a pain free period between headaches or are the headaches constant? I did talk to my primary about this today. She perscribed the Indomethacin for me and we are going to give it a try. This is day 5 with this headache and it has been bad all day today. Came home, got an ice pack and went to bed for a couple of hours. No relief. Have taken 2 of the pills. Suppose to take 3 a day for 5 to 7 days. We shall see.
fella I have been on Imitrex before. It did not do anything. I was under the impression that cluster headaches held on for a long time and that was why they were called suicide headaches.
I am going to primary tomorrow and toing to ask her for the Indomethacin. This is day 4. It is bad right now, in my eyes, tightness in forehead, temples and down to my jaw. Head feels like it is in a vise. Want to go to bed but I'm not going to. I find I do better if I push through it. Laundry today. It was not bad yesterday. Just kind of wavered around. Making up for it today.
OK have a headache now. Wrote down symptoms as they appeared. Here it goes: Got these symptoms yesterday, they came one at a time afew minites apart 1. pain between the eyes 2. across forehead 3. tightening in back of head and jaw 4. ears 5. eyes and temple It never really set in tho until this morning. then it did: 6. front of skull 7. head is shrinking 8. numbing along right side of head 9. forehead getting tight. I took: Magnisum Excedrine Headache antihistimine Vit D 3 5,000 IU's went on about things to be done. By evening it is really sore. So what is the opinion?
journal entries: Nov 7th, starting headache. Took Excedrin Migraine, Magnisium, Benedryl, some penegran (left from er visit). Headache gone. Nov 8th, did not come back. Nov 11th, The headache is just hanging there. As long as I take the meds I'm able to control it. Nov 12, Headache set in about 4:30 PM. Was planning on going to church, went to bed instead. Took meds. Applied ice then heat. Nothing worked it is a bad one, feels like a vice clamping down. In forehead and eyes. Nov 16, this headache just comes and goes. Had a very stressful day yesterday but no headache. This morning it is bad. Headache lasted almost all day. Did ice then heat. Settled down in late eve. Nov 20, Got up with no headache. While sitting at the computer my head started shrinking. The headache is bad . Was bad yesterday until eve too. (NOTE: when I say it is bad it is nothing like what you guys describe) Took 2 Excedrin, benidryl, magnizium. 5 hours later took 4 ibuprophen and magnisuim and benidryl.. Had nothing more on this headache Nov. Not when it ended or anything. Did leave for TX on the 6th of Dec. Stayed until the 3rd of Jan. I had a headache while there. Did the same med routine and even went to a Med Express for Toradol and Phenegran shots but did not help. It started on the 23rd of Dec and did not let up until just before I left. Note tho, we had an attic fire that eve. Am wondering if the smoke caused and prolonged that headache. Looking back through journal and see postings in July. Headache started on the 17th and did not leave until Aug 2. None of my posts really describe in detail about the headaches themselves. I do know my eyes bother me. My head feels like it has shrunk. Very tight. I believe these headaches started with the onslot of Menopause. Never had much trouble with headaches in my earlier years. Which is why I am suspecting the Hemicrania continua. Well that is just about all my thought right now about my headaches.
Oh I was so happy to see mail today on this post. I did not save mail on previous posts and then could not figure out how to get back to this page. I am considering maybe my headaches might be Hemicrania continua. Sounds alot like it. And yet no. I am confused. I do, as previously mentioned, keep a pain diary. I am wondering about how you all take meds. Do you take them regularily or just when headache appear? The Vit D 3. Again daily or when in a headache? My D3 is 1,000 IU's. Do I take 10 of them or do they make D 3 in larger IU's. I have an apt with my Primary on the 30th. I am going to discuss with her the things I've learned here in these postings. I am looking for a med that will stop the headache whenit starts. I do not particularily want to be on a 24/7 med unless I have to to prevent them. I have had 3 week headaches for Oct, Nov, and Dec. Which is unusual for me. I don't usually get them that close together. Or as severe as they were. Which is why I'm looking for help. I do not like where this is heading. My primary did consult with the neurologist in Pittsburgh and they recommended Depokote. I was on Depokote years ago for bi polar. I do not want to take it again. But if I can find an ans I will do what I have to to prevent them from happening. Thanks everyone for your responses. I have learned alot so far.
fella1234 and CHfather, First of all thank you for your responses. When I say a headache lasted for 3 weeks. No the pain is not constant. The headache is always there but lessens on and off. And then just as fast as it appears it leaves. I usually put the ice pack on the back of my head and lay on it and eventually switching to heat. This relieves it but it does not go away. I am interested in each of the remedys you have listed and plan on learning more about them. The oxygen was what they administered in the ER. I am a Vetern and use my VA facilities. Sometimes I get very frustrated with the process. I have been sent, twice, to a neurologist but did not get much satisfaction. Will not go into right now. This is the reason I am looking for advise and help. I am not going to be able to get what I need without knowing what that is and how to go about it. If these are not Cluster Headache then what would they be? The fact that they can linger for long periods of time is what makes me believe that is what they are. I do not have symptoms of normal Migraines. No flashing lights, no vomiting, passing out, etc. But I do have advanced pain that lasts a long time. Thanks again for your help.
I am a relative new patient of Cluster Headaches. I need info more then anything. I have had headaches since sometime in the early 2000 but just recently been told they were Cluster headaches. I have read some things and part applies and part doesn't. But my headaches are coming more freqently and lasting longer and are stronger. I have done Toradol and phenegran shots. Have done oxygen. Have had perscriptions for phenegrin and it seems to help. I can not honestly say there is much of anything that helps or stops the pain. It just has to run it's course. Lately they have been lasting for about 3 weeks. Was told to use Benedryl and magnizium. Have even added Execedrin Migraine to that. Nothing. What is the strain I have been seeing about Vit D 3? I take that. How is it suppose to be taken and what strength. Need any info I can get as to how a headache works and what you do for relief. The only way I can get away from a headache is to go to bed with an ice pack and sleep. They do however sometimes wake me up. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.