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evannoots last won the day on June 7 2018

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  1. Love your poem, and I'm glad you shared it.
  2. And just for comparison, one can of red bull has 80mg caffeine and 1000mg of taurine, 24 cans costs $33, or $1.37/can Monster energy is 80mg caffeine, 1000mg taurine and $37 for 24 cans, $1.54/can
  3. The Curse pre-workout doesn't contain taurine, but a quick google yields a couple products that do, Allmax Aminocuts, 130mg caffeine and 2000mg taurine, $22 for 30 servings, ~$0.75/serving https://www.amazon.com/ALLMAX-Nutrition-AMINOCUTS-Taurine-Watermelon/dp/B072LB9YCX/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1527897985&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=allmax+amino+cuts&psc=1&smid=A91TG1TKZKRG8 or MuscleMaxx Pre Apocalypse (gotta love the marketing behind this stuff ), 133mg caffeine and 700mg Taurine $34 for 50 servings, ~$0.70/serving https://www.amazon.com/MuscleMaxx-APOCALYPSE-Pre-Workout-Arginine-Beta-Alanine/dp/B07954B8TW/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1527898200&sr=8-1&keywords=MuscleMaxx%2C+PRE+APOCALYPSE
  4. I've been off verapamil and sumatriptan for 4 days now, getting ready to try the tryptamine busting method, and just wanted to share something thats been a big help in reducing the severity of my attacks this week. I read that energy drinks and caffeine helps some users, so at the onset of an attack I tried a scoop of my pre-workout supplement, which contains 155mg caffein (among other common ingredients like creatine and beta-alanine) and it worked wonders. in about 15 minutes the pain went from an 8 to a 3.. The best part, is there is no sugar and it costs less than a $1.00 per serving, rather than $3 for the 5 hour energy shots and I'm not sure what a can of monster or redbull costs these days.. The stuff i use is called The Curse, cheap and tastes great and the ingredient list is pretty straight forward. https://www.amazon.com/Cobra-Labs-Curse-Green-Servings/dp/B01H420KPG/ref=pd_sim_121_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01H420KPG&pd_rd_r=D29FJJ8B2R0P0WCJW1XW&pd_rd_w=CHt2N&pd_rd_wg=ED4y7&psc=1&refRID=D29FJJ8B2R0P0WCJW1XW Worth a try if you find caffeine helps you out!
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