Hello !
I'm back after 4 months of D3 treatment.
So I started with 1 intake per week at 10,000 IU for 5 weeks. It worked rather well, with the appearance of 1 crisis per week approximately.
I decided after taking it every 4 days for 5 weeks. No crises to declare during this period.
After that, I tried to take it every 6 days, for 4 weeks. Less than one crisis per week.
Since 5 weeks I take the treatment every 3 days. With the appearance of less than one crisis per week.
The beneficial qualities of this treatment are undeniable and I can never thank you enough for sharing it.
I noted some side effects:
- Tingling and feeling of heat on the entire surface of the face a few minutes after taking the treatment. But this is not systematic, it appears between 1 time out of 2 and 1 time out of 3.
-Eczema (small) of the scalp, but I remember that the first signs appeared before the beginning of this treatment, so I imagine that there is no connection with the treatment.
- Pain in the kidneys, probably related to my bad sitting and my mattress that hurts my back. Besides, by changing position the pain disappears instantly.
The first 2 signs are reminiscent of an allergic reaction, so I plan to follow an allergist.
I haven't had a blood test yet, but I understand the importance of doing it.
I wonder if it would be better to take cofactors every day, and vitamin D3 every 3 days (for example)
( I take 10000IU D3, 2xcapsule of Kirkland mature, 1x magnesium, Omega3 & K2 )
I hope my english is enough good, do not hesitate to let me know if something is not understandable.