Good evening everyone (well really it's good morning)!!
I last shared that I was in the process of being turned down for oxygen by my primary caregiver, and after nearly 5 years of being diagnosed with CH, I was referred to a Neurologist. I just had my appointment earlier today at 11 and....
My doc, James Zhang, asked me a variety of thorough questions related to when they started, the pain level, where the pain is located, triggers, etc. It honestly felt like a drag but I kept hanging on!! Finally, he explained that he is nearly certain that it IS in fact cluster headaches that I am dealing with. He then told me of common treatments for such headaches (Nortriptyline, Amatrex, to name a few), and then he asked if I had ever been given a Calcium channel blocker, and I haven't! So I'll now be taking Verapimil??? soon and see how it works. He also suggested that I should get an MRI just to rule out possible CH mimics, but that's a story for a different time, LOL.
I asked him if he had ever heard of oxygen therapy for CH and he told me he had. And then I felt extremely nervous because I didn't want to ask if he'd prescribe me it, assuming he would shut me down as well. HOWEVER, when I got the nerve to ask if I could try it, he happily said that he would write it for me!! And then came the tears- from me and then my mom. <3 <3 <3
Fast forward to me having the script- I drive 30 minutes to an oxygen supplier who tells me that they won't fill my script because insurance won't cover it. UM HELLO MY MOM LITERALLY CALLED OUR INSURANCE THE OTHER DAY TO BE TOLD RATHER QUICKLY THAT IT IS INDEED COVERED. So.... she talks with her manager, and even though it's apparently their company policy to not fill the scripts for CH, her boss decides to give me my Oxygen by having my mom pay totally out of pocket and sending the RX to my insurance with the hopes that they will reimburse my mom at least part of the expense. And I couldn't be any happier!
I was only given nasal cannulas for my oxygen and am aware I need a non-rebreather mask. I'm sitting here now recovering from a hard blow of a CH, and staring at my oxygen tanks wishing I could use them. I tried the cannula and the 15 L was so strong it my nose it almost felt like a burning sensation- and definitely didn't help.
I need to get a NRB mask ASAP so I'm wondering what is the fastest method of getting one to me? Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a lovely night!!!