Just to add, I have not been completely 'diagnosed' yet by medical professionals. But I do have my PhD in Google.
Could it be a coincidence that when I stopped smoking Marijuana, my clusters stopped?
I've had kidney stones before and I thought that pain was a 10 until the first cluster I got....
I thought it was just a migraine but I've never really had a migraine before, nor really even headaches. But each day after that second headache, (22 hours like clock work) I was terrified all day, counting down the hours because I knew what was coming. First sign is alway a feeling like a bolt of lightning striking the right side of my head, a couple inches directly behind the bone under my eye. Right after that the pain moves behind my right eye, then 8 minutes in its a TRUE 10 of 10 on the pain scale and the whole right side of my head hurts; my jaw, eye, top/side/back of head. It reduces me to a moaning, whining, sometimes crying grown man (34 year old) in the fetal position in the shower. Then an hour later most days, it's gone, like snapping my fingers, from a 10 to 0. Crazy!
After 4 weeks of this, I went about 36 hours without it coming on to a 10, was only about a 2. But then my last headache which was 2 days ago was even worse than all the others! Super bad, wanted to die type of pain. Felt like a pound of C4 explosives kept exploding inside my head every 2 seconds for almost 2 hours!!
That's what made me put the THC down,.
But then the next day I only had a very minor headache but on the LEFT side, only temple area, no eye pain = no cluster. And today I was still in fear all day, but no headache ever came.. I hope this cycle is done but have no way of knowing.
Does this sound like normal cycles or clusters?