Hello again!
I'm not gonna start by asking how you're all doing because if you are reading this, then clearly you are having a really shitty time.
I am on my 11th year of CH and I've finally had a breakthrough. I am not sure if any of you have heard of this medication so I'd like to tell you a bit about it.It's called "Verapimil" which is a calcium blocker, and it has completely changed my life.
At the beginning of my CHP I was awaiting an appointment with a neurologist. I've been through the MRI and to several doctors and had zero success with dealing with these headaches. I was combating the headaches with my usual concoction of illegal drugs. Something I'm not overly fond of doing but resorted to it because if was the only thing that would put a dent in the demon. I was depressed (as i get) and very tired from not being able to have sound sleeps.
I finally got into my neurologist. He was the tits. The guy is like the front runner neuro in my area and deals with several people up the valley that deal with this bullshit. He told me there are solutions. I didn't believe him but what the hell am I gonna do? Say no? I filled his prescriptions and went my not so merry way. The other Two drugs in toe were Indomethacin and liquid lydocain (I was a guinea pig for nasal usage)
The Verapamil has a 1-2 week stacking onset (1 week for me) at which time you're to use the indomethacin and lydocain to treat accute attacks. The lydocain was a complete fail. The Indomethacin worked pretty well however it left me pretty foggy. takes like 15-20 min to set in so you're gonna need to be pretty on the ball as soon as you feel that aura. HOWEVER; the verapimil I have been using 3 times a day since November 1st, it's now February 28th and I am really pleased to report that I have only been victim to a couple of auras here or there. Absolutely zero fucking cluster attacks since the meds kicked in. I am a normal man again. I haven't felt this since I was in my early 20's.
Anyways guys, I hadn't seen anyone mention Verapamil in any of my searching so I wanted to share this in hopes that it may be able to help some of you.