I'm Ivo 40 years from The Netherlands and CH-er. Had Chronic (6-8 attacks a day) CH from my 18th till approx. 30th.
After that it went away for about 10 years but long story short, I'm here for a reason.
Started the D3 regime last saturday and initially responded verry good from day 1. CH went away (even could consume alcohol) unitll I saw my neurologist.
He told me he had heared about the vit. D3 but didn't believe it could actually work.
Also he told me that it is a fact that the placebo effect among headache patients (migraine and CH a like) is much higher than in other groups (like 40%).
But he also told me I probably could do no harm so if it helped I should keep taking it.
Unfortunately the CH came back, still taking the loading dose 50.000 IE a day. (day 7 now)
Not all the extra supplements are available in The Netherlands over the counter so my question is which of the other supplements are mandatory?
Are there numbers available on how many people that have CH returning after starting the vit. D3 regime?