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Everything posted by NikkiG

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to share my latest update.... After 1-2 clusters every day for over a month I am now 5 days cluster free!!! Woohoo!! I couldn't get in to see a Neurologist until March so I started the vitamin d3 regimen (thank you so much to Peter Batcheller!!) and I also got botox injections. I am fortunate to have a friend who is a cosmetic nurse so she gave me a very discounted price. If you are struggling I would strongly recommend trying these options, anything is worth a try to save the misery of clusters! This forum has also helped me immensely, there is more knowledge here than any of the doctors I have seen in the last 15 years! Thank you & good health to you all!
  2. Hi again all, I'm about to start Vitamin D3 regimen but just wondering if you know if it's best to take all at one time, or can be taken different times throughout the day? Many thanks Nikki
  3. Many thanks to you both! I tried oxygen on my last cluster (about 6 years ago), but I didn't notice a difference. Think I'll go back to Dr and ask to try it again though, and will look into sumatriptan injections. Trying to get through them without meds because I don't want rebounds, but it's excruciating and sometimes I just need the drugs! Have started D3 regimen today. Thanks again for your help, much appreciated, from Australia :)
  4. Hi, I’m currently going through a bad period of cluster, 1-2 every day for 28 days so far. Have been taking sumatriptan (imigran) tablet 50mg nearly every day as it is the only thing that seems to bust it until the next one. Does anyone know if taking imigran every day can cause rebound affect or addiction to it? Asked my Dr but he didn’t seem to know! Thanks in advance, Nikki
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