Thank you both for your input!
I agree, I don't think I have CH.
My mother and brother fit the description to the tee but my symptoms are completely different.
It kills me that the doctors can not figure this out. 2 out of 3 neurologist have called then CH, I used the term "cluster migraines" because as a kid that's what my parents called them. I did notice they are called Cluster headaches. I have quite the hard time trying to type and stay focused with the pain.
I have been to the Faulkner Hospital headache clinic in Boston and they diagnosed me with the low pressure headaches but their protocol in 2010 did nothing to help.. they tried a blind blood patch, botox, verapamil. Living with that for 6 years was terrible! The neurologist in Boston may have been the most arrogant person I have ever met. I will have to research other Headache clinics in my area
I have other symptoms like numbness in my forehead, the intense pain sits right behind the eye equal with my temple. I tried a round of prednisone but it didn't touch it.
I will research the cervicogenic headache again as they were on my radar in 2010 but I was told otherwise.
Thanks again,