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Laurie72 last won the day on January 23 2023

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  1. Hi Chloe, I am thankful you read my post. I hope this may be an answer for you as I too have had my life nearly destroyed by CH. please understand that Ketamine does not need to be a last resort medication as there are clinics here that are starting to use it for CH and many other difficult to treat disorders. I wonder if there are any clinics where you are located. Most of these clinics are treating Severe Depression, Anxiety and Migraines that have not responded to other treatments and they are getting amazing results. 

    The Clinic name:

    Reichbach Center



    Please call and talk to Dr  Reichbach, he would gladly speak with you. He is not like so many other doctors I have dealt with, he genuinely cares and understands what we are going through. Knowing now what I know, I will say this, I believe this will help you. I do not believe I am unique because Dr. Reichbach has seen many CH patients have the amazing results that I have had. You are in my prayers.


    Laurie S.




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