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  1. Hey all, I'm set to travel by plane to NYC from Toronto, Canada on Wednesday of next week (April 24) and I've got nothing but dead ends trying to get Oxygen tank rentals. I'm only going to be there for a few days so was hoping for 2x D tanks and 2x E tanks. I just need the tanks, I have a regulator and mask I can bring with me. ANY LEADS???
  2. Hey y'all - this seems like great news! Does anyone know if this would apply in Canada too? Not sure I fully understand what changed to allow you to get it for free in US?
  3. Anyone see this? Any thoughts? https://touchneurology.com/headache/journal-articles/treatment-of-cluster-headache-in-a-different-light-a-case-study/?fbclid=IwAR23JUyf_b1XtpxrfOmdDlihnUjxV4Pp5RdLJw8m-gQsdgVc3s7vgT6K5n0
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