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Everything posted by mashburn41

  1. I gave oxygen. but when I get a CH I can't sit there with it on. I tried the imitrex nasal spray I think sometimes it relieves the pain a little bit. now I have the imitrex injections. luckily its been about 3 weeks since I have had a CH so have not used it. have you used the injections. my problem is I feel so sick to my stomach when I get one of these headaches that I throw up and can't give the oxygen time to work. i tried verpamil and gave me severe anxiety do she stopped it. right now my only hope is the imitrex injection. I am 38 years old and have been having these for about 10 years. usually 4-6 weeks they last and then lingering for a week or two and then gone. for some reason this time I just Always think am I ever going to be chronic? the thought terrified me. sorry for ranting and thank you for reaching out
  2. hey spiny, yes I was diagnosed a couple years ago. yes I had mri that came back that everything was normal. I started electro acupuncture about a month ago. the acupuncturist seems very confident that he will get rid of these headaches for good. have you ever tried acupuncture and if so did it work? I have not had a bad cluster headaches in like 3.5 weeks now but now my anxiety has gone crazy and depression. I am in tears all day every day. any advice? thanks again
  3. hey ladies and gents, I am new on here. I have been having cluster headaches for about 10 years. usually they last 6 weeks or so and then go away. this cycle has actually been less aggressive but I had one really bad one that just scared the shit out of me. I end up laying on the bathroom floor throwing up. it has now been about 15 days without a bad headache but I still have such bad anxiety and depression when I get any little pain or feeling on the right side of my head. anyone have any advice? sincerely, Jay
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