Hi all - longtime CH sufferer (11 years), first time posting. My cycles have progressively gotten longer and had more headaches during each cycle over the years. I’m currently 3 months into a cycle and still getting 3-13 headaches per day. Historically, oxygen has worked great and I’ve managed by always keeping oxygen close by wherever I go. Now I have 1-2 headaches per day that oxygen isn’t helping, though luckily sumatriptan injections are still doing the trick. I have never tried MM or the D3 regimen but now seems like a good time to start. Also, I take 75 mg nortriptyline a day and have taken this drug for a few years and seems to be a bit better than verapamil for me
The supplement instructions aren’t totally clear to me (I found the wiki but the length of the file and posts since then have me a bit confused) and I was hoping someone could check my understanding below so I am taking each step correctly.
1. Go to a lab and ask them to test serum D3 levels
2. if they are above 45 then no need for the regimen? If they are lower, then start regimen
3. Take bio tech d3-50 every day for 2 weeks. Also during these 2 weeks take 1 mature multi a day, 1000-2400mg fish oil a day, 400-800g magnesium a day, mk-4 vitamin k 1000 a day, mk-7 vitamin k 200 a day, 1 vitamin b 50 a day
4. after 2 weeks do all of the above except bio tech d3-50 is just once a week
5. after 3 months drop the vitamin b 50
does that all sound right? Also, if I can only find some of the above supplements today, should I go ahead and start with some of them or wait until I get all of them? Also, how often do I need lab work done after this? I haven’t taken supplements in the past