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  1. Just got my labs back: Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 247.2 ng/mL Calcium 10.5 PTH 23 Since the calcium is on the high side, my PCP advised to stop the D3 and check my levels in 3-6 months.
  2. Batch, Been having some success. Strangely, my clusters this cycle have turned into mostly migraines. More manageable, but it's not something I'm used to. Is this common? Felt like I was making progress and dropped the D3 yesterday to 50k only to get hit this AM. If you have any insight here, let me know. My plan is to continue with the 100k/day for up to a week if needed and then taper down to 50k/day for a week and then onto maintenance dose. My labs are scheduled for the end of this month. Also, the double magnesium does a number on my stomach. I've found splitting the pills up and taking after the two biggest meals of the day helps a lot. If anything I've found myself eating more before taking the pills to offset the GI issues.
  3. Started the regiment today at 4pm. Fingers crossed!!! I may have made one mistake in the original post above. I was thinking the Methyl Folate+ was different than the Vitamin B50. I only need one of those for 90 days, not both, right?
  4. Thanks so much. If I'm unable to get labs prior to beginning, would you still recommend the 140,000 IU/day load?
  5. Me, too. Been dealing with this for 30 years. Luckily my cycles are only every few years, but it's still hell. Hoping this helps.
  6. Ah thanks! I must have missed that. I'll update the original post to reflect that (for myself and others).
  7. In the middle of a cluster cycle, going to try the D3 Regimen. Wanting to make sure I have things straight by combining the updates I've read on here from Batch plus the original instructions. Can someone check my homework here? Products: Nutrasal Micro D3 - High Concentrate Vitamin D3 Bio-Tech - D3-50 50,000 IU, 100 Capsules Nature Made Extra-Strength Magnesium 400 mg Kirkland Signature Mature Adult Multi Vitamin Tablets Nature Made Burp-Less Fish Oil 1200 mg One Elevated Methyl Folate+ Life Extension Super K Now Vitamin B-50 Instructions Load (1 week): 0.5cc, Daily Micro D3 Two pills, Daily: Fish Oil Magnesium One Pill, Daily: Bio-Tech D3 Magnesium Kirkland Multi-Vitamin Methyl Folate Super K Vitamin B-50 (for 90 days, then stop) Taper Down (1 week): Two pills, Daily: Fish Oil One Pill, Daily: Bio-Tech D3 Magnesium Kirkland Multi-Vitamin Methyl Folate Super K Vitamin B-50 (for 90 days, then stop) Maintenance: Two pills, Daily: Fish Oil One Pill, Daily: Magnesium Kirkland Multi-Vitamin Methyl Folate Super K Vitamin B-50 (for 90 days, then stop) One Pill, Once a week: Bio-Tech D3 Labs to request: Before starting / 1 month / 3 months / 6 months: Serum 25(OH)D3 Calcium PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Notes: If any allergic reactions occur, stop taking immediately and consult with doc
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