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Piyush Jain

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Everything posted by Piyush Jain

  1. I was a cluster head and I might have had a good experience with diet changes (can't say for sure because I didn't change my diet for curing cluster headaches and so didn't log any exact timelines). I was a vegetarian since childhood (but dairy heavy: milk, butter, and cheese). In 2021, I was in Seattle and had experienced episodic clusters multiple times over ~5 years before 2021. I wanted to turn vegan for personal reasons. I couldn't stop dairy immediately since it was a major part of my diet, but had started toning down slightly from what I remember. I did get my clusters in the fall of 2021 (more or less if I remember the timing right). In 2022, I almost stopped dairy completely and then I didn't get clusters for 2 years. I got them again in January 2024, but that was because of travel which resulted in a 12.5 hour timezone change and that really messes with the sleep cycles for weeks. But I must say that this was a much better season. There were some setbacks surely but I didn't have to cancel the various commitments/events that I had signed up for during the 1.5 month travel. My food, water, place were changing every week, sometimes multiple times in a week. And I was also doing my job with all this. There were much more external stressors during the month long cluster season with travel than my usual days, but things worked out well. I don't know if my clusters are gone, or are in remission, but I do feel healthier and am doing multiple things (by choice) at the same time in my life. If clusters come again, I am much less worried than before. And I have a feeling that they won't come back (but that is just a feeling I have had for these 2 years based on experience and mental state of mind). @ClusterCured +100 -- this is my story too.
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