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  1. how do i contact xxx? yes correct im also taking the fish oil, magnesium, k1 k2 with the d3 and a multivitamin and calcium and the b vitamins. i did read somewhere that high vitamin d is not a problem if the calcium is normal but i could be wrong thanks for the reply mate, apreciate it
  2. Hey guys im new here, ive had clusters for 10 years half episodic and half chronic for that time, ive known about this site and the d regime its helped me for years but im having big problems its not working for me and o2 is not effective even the lsd i use to bust not working, i did lab test recently becouse ive been taking high amounts of d to try and stop it and it seems ive over did it with the supplements.. i would really apreciate some guidance and help. results: Average: S-kalcij (Ca) 2,23 2,10 - 2,60 mmol/L S-vitamin D H >500 47,7 - 144,0 nmol/L P-iPTH 18,70 15 - 65 ng/L these are my current lab results, as u can see my D is over 500, my calcium is 2,23 and pth 18,70 Im gonna have to stop d by the loks of it im no expert but i hope im not in any danger with the d levels i take around 60 000 to 120 000 of vitamin d a day since last week before that i was on 10 000 daiyl pls any help is appreciated, sorry for the bad english.
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