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  1. They gave you one on purpose??? That seems cruel & unusual
  2. Thank you both so much!! I have a lot of dental work coming up so I’ll make sure it’s with the epi-free stuff. My dentist says it doesn’t numb as long or as well, but it should still be a better experience overall than the one I just had. Hopefully it just triggered a few unpleasant days rather than a whole cycle
  3. I’m a little late to this post, but I also had the same problem. I had a root canal started yesterday on the same side that I usually have cluster pain. As the anesthesia wore off, it was quickly replaced with cluster pain around a 7 or 8. I’m not in a cycle right now, and mine usually take weeks to ramp up when one starts, so this is out of the norm for me. Any guesses on whether it’s because of the root canal itself, or because of the epinephrine in the anesthesia? I have several more dental procedures on the non-cluster side of my face coming up, so I’m not sure how to handle those. Also, isn’t epinephrine sometimes used to treat cluster headaches?
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