Hi all!
Long time, no post (which is a good thing!)
I unfortunately started a CH cycle a few weeks ago, and though it's been largely manageable, last night was a rough one. 3 headaches in 6 hours, each one lasting about 40 minutes. Now, admittedly I have been inconsistent with my D3 regimen, so I am assuming that is why, and I've started it up again heavily and will be sticking to it. But the reason I've been inconsistent with the regimen is because it causes some not great stomach issues, primarily stomach unease and diarrhea at least once a day. I was trying to see if I could get by this cycle without relying so heavily on the regimen because of the stomach issues(foolishly), and here I am. Also, just as background, I have IBS, so that probably plays a role into it as well.
Does anyone have any experience with these sort of symptoms and the D3 regimen? Or any advice? The stomach upset, much like the headaches, almost occur like clockwork when I start the regimen.
I was initially worried it could be due to too much vitamin D, but it sounds like you have to take an absolutely astronomical amount in order for you to take too much vitamin D.
I'm getting bloodwork done in a few weeks, so I'll have better numbers on what my D levels are, but wanted to post this to see if anyone had any tips, insights, or just commiserate.