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Everything posted by Frenchie

  1. Wondering if anyone has any insight on starting the D3 Regiment during a Crohn's flareup.
  2. Just sharing in case there is anyone else like me who is traveling to the Puerto Vallarta area of Mexico. I was in a town about an hour south of Puerto Vallarta and typically would have not thought about oxygen in the past, but given a recent 5 week, 3 - 4 times per day cycle I thought I better figure out a way to have oxygen while on vacation, in stead of battling the beast in my room by myself. I found OXYMAS (+52 322 174 9329) to be a great resource. Eduardo was the guy who helped me. Spoke perfect english and was actually somewhat familiar with CH. He delivered the oxygen to the place I was staying ahead of my arrival. It was not cheap, but the cost of a full blown attach is expensive also. I ordered (4) size E tanks which cost 3,000 pesos ($180 US) this was with delivery. They picked up on my last day and refunding be $500 pesos ($30 US) for each of the two tanks I did not use. I brought my own regulator and cluster mask in my carry on bag. Hope this helps someone
  3. As a new member (but looooong time sufferer 23 years) I am so grateful for everyones responses. So amazing to feel seen and understood. I have been having better success with full CO2 exhalation, ending in a crunch, then long deep inhalation of O2. I have basically been shutting the tank off and on and finding a rhythm so that when I need that next hit the bag is full but I'm not wasting O2 into the room.
  4. Looking for advise on breathing techniques with high flow oxygen. I have the cluster O2 mask with a 40 LPM regulator on a type 'E' cylinder. The reason for my question is that the oxygen does not always work for me and wondering if it's because of how I'm breathing. At 40 LPM the bag fills up pretty fast so what I do is suck it dry, exhale and repeat. I timed this and I get about 26 cycles in a minute. I do this for 5 minutes and then lay down. I can really only do this about 2 times on a full cylinder then I get down to the trickle of O2 (frustrating!!!). When I hit this point I let the bag fill up, inhale and hold my breath and exhale just before the bag is full again. I go through a lot of oxygen using this method and sometimes don't abort the attack. Wondering if there is another technique that is more effective. Thank you
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