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  1. I'm in America and I traveled to various places, Vietnam being one, and some remote places. It's very difficult to procure oxygen in a lot of places around the world. Thanks for clarifying about the shadows, do shadows occur out of cycle, in cycle or both? Here is the link for the travel tips:
  2. Hi everyone. I’m new to the beast since April. Triggered by a covid infection. I’m really trying to keep myself together. Being stuck in stasis and afraid to fly. I did watch the youtube video about flying tips. Anyhow, would like to understand a few things. I haven’t had an “attack” as it were for a few months however, I do experience pain every day so I’m unsure if this is in a cycle still or if this is just the norm, constantly feeling shadows multiple times per day, skip a day and then the same thing. I’m trying to determine if I should risk a flight, which are typically multiple long flights to get across the world. Thinking about The ups and downs on several flights for 30 Hours adds to the anxiety I already have. Any advice, pointers and education is appreciated. Also, the video mentioned a flying card but the link is gone now. Does anyone know where that is? Thanks!
  3. I'm new to this madness. Curious about the calcium - if we're prescribed calcium channel blockers, why dose calcium. Isn't calcium an antagonist to CH?
  4. My neurologist ordered me a machine (not a tank) with a maximum capability of 10lpm but a script of only 6lmp. I'm not sure this is sufficient enough to abort, can you give me your experience with this please or a method to maximize this device to get the most out of it? Thanks, Lloyd
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