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  1. I’m about to go back and try a prednisone taper - what is the MG per day/number of days you guys are prescribed when you go that route? It has been a few years and I do not recall what my script was exactly. Think it was something like 60mg for 3 days, 40mg for 2 days, 20 mg for one day, 10 mgs until the bottle was gone. Prednisone was the magic bullet for me back in 2018-2020, but I wasn’t aware of potential side effects as I am now. I don’t remember running into any issues personally. This is kind of the nuclear option for me - have busted 4 times with no results (has worked like magic for me the past couple of years), on day 8 of Vit D3 protocol (following to the T) but not sure if I can wait it out to see if it ends up working but I plan to continue regardless. I’m a month into this cycle and just had a 6 attack night. Really at the end of my rope.
  2. I’m diagnosed and medicated. Anecdotally, dextroamphetamine seems to have a short term preventative effect for the 4-5 hours it’s in my system. I’m episodic, and today is actually the first day that I have had one break through within a 4 hour window of dosing during a cycle. It was definitely on the lower end pain wise. As it’s obviously a stimulant, makes sense as to why it works for me that way.
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