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Everything posted by Violakid

  1. Thanks a lot. Took 30,000 last night and will probably continue.
  2. Hi Batch, Been an episodic Ch'er since I was 18. 28 years old now. Started the d3 regimen that was posted here in 2016 as well as Verapamil and never waivered. I get my episodes every year or two for about 3-7 weeks. As people have noted before, the episodes seem to get longer and more intense as I age. Currently in one of my most aggressive episodes with a record of 27 attacks in one day using O2 and triptans as needed. I got a blood test after increasing my d3 dose to 20,000 iu a day and my total came out to 116 ng/mL. My calcium levels are in the green. Unfortunately I forgot to request PTH results. Do you think I should increase my daily d3 intake to reach above 150 ng/mL? Was nervous about taking 100,000 iu a day based on already being on 10,000 iu for years. Another question about d3, is it okay to be substantially higher as long as my calcium levels are in the green? Also on the anti-histamine regimen and full keto diet. Thanks for all your help.
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